2020-09-11 12:34 AM
Hello everybody,
my project is composed by a RX board and one/many TX boards (max 3).
Every board uses CMWX1ZZABZ-078 module.
The TX boards transmit asynchronously to the RX board a payload of 32 bytes (they are temperature IR sensors which communicate with the central unit(.
After some hours of work I clearly see the RX Done IRQ pin (SX1276 DIO0) that goes HIGH to trigger the RX Callback on STM32L082 but it never goes back down, it's like the interrupt flag is never cleared.
Could it be a problem of many interrupts occuring in the same moment?
I've seen that the "workaround" for the problem is DeIniti and re-Init the IRQ Pins between SX1276 and STM32 but I really can't figure out what is that causes the problem.
Thank you in advance for the support.