2020-08-04 5:17 AM
No idea on how to resolve this problem. If I compile and run without the board the message is error on init the sensor board. Any clues?
2020-08-04 5:30 AM
What IDE are you using?
What Error(s) specifically is it reporting during compile/link, attach log
2020-08-04 9:18 AM
Hello @Community member Using Keil uVision 5.30.
On the stm UM2073 manual it says:
5.4.3 Sensor switch When no sensor expansion board is plugged on the set-up, #define SENSOR_ENBALED must be commented out on the \Projects\\Applications\LoRa\End_Node\LoRaWAN\App\inc.
Which I did-> //#define SENSOR_ENABLED
Now I get 3 errors:
.\mlm32l07x01\NUCLEO_CUBE_LORA.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol mems_int1_detected (referred from bsp.o).
.\mlm32l07x01\NUCLEO_CUBE_LORA.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol mems_int2_detected (referred from bsp.o).
.\mlm32l07x01\NUCLEO_CUBE_LORA.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol accActInact (referred from main.o).
Not enough information to list image symbols.
Not enough information to list load addresses in the image map.
Finished: 2 information, 0 warning and 3 error messages.
".\mlm32l07x01\NUCLEO_CUBE_LORA.axf" - 3 Error(s), 12 Warning(s).
Target not created.
Build Time Elapsed: 00:01:05
If I do leave Sensors option then the compile is OK but the software loop on an error Handler about initializing sensor board.
Thanks to help.
2020-08-04 10:59 AM
Ok, so more of a linker error
You're going to need to search the code and see where those functions are called.
Then identify the sections of code, and functions, that still need to be excluded based on SENSOR_ENABLED (#ifndef)
Hopefully one or more of these will help you identify the initialization code, and allow you to exclude that call also.
2020-08-05 5:25 AM
@clive1 thank you Clive.
Before writing on the forum II tried already but more I disable faulty lines of code worse it becomes and end up with tons of errors. I noticed that the exclude of a lot more functions and variables need to be handled and one disabled bring me to 10 other missing codes...
I do not understand this kind of examples which are supplied for testing the ability of the hardware does not work as indicated in the manual.
I am wonder also if this will work with the IKS01A1 because I will be able to use that board in a few days... Could you help me to understand this?
I also do not understand why the software keeps trying to initialise the Sensor board and do not run further. I think I would better to work on that direction and disable the Error Handler. Because what I am interessting to see is the ability of the GNSS1A1 and the LoRa.
If I do not succeed in a short reasonable time I will jump on other products.
Best regards
2020-08-05 6:44 AM
Unfortunately this isn't a specific example I've worked on, you'll need to find an ST FAE (support engineer) who can commit time/resources to your project. Check with your local sales office.
2020-09-14 12:39 AM
My Followup:
To answer my own question: Since I do not used to give up... After some better understanding of the coding I decided to buy the IKS01A2 as used in the demo app since the code was locking on the LSM6DSL MEMS 3D accelerometer.
As long as we stick on the material used on the demo, the app is running somewhat... Also if the debug mode does not work well trying to enter data with the USB interface. This interface is useless, at least for me, or I do not understand well how to use it.
This app anyway is very complex and it is easy to get lost in decoding it.
I am stuck now trying to modify the elapsed time to communicate with the LoRa.
A variable SEND_INTERVAL_DEF should be the time interval for LoRa. But changing the value just is not working and I always get a 60 seconds interval.
I know you are not working on this kind of project but maybe someone from the Community has some practice on this project and could give me some hints?
Thank you in any cases.