2020-05-03 4:39 PM
According to the Murata's manual, the CMWX1ZZABZ-091 module uses an STM32L082 processor, but the ST website says it uses an STM32L072CZ. What information is correct?
I am asking this question because the Murata manual does not reference all the alternate functions available on a given STM32L0 pin.
For example in the Murata manual, PA12 / USB_DP is connected to STM32L082_PA12 and has the description GPIO Mode PA12 and USB_DP.
According to the STM32L072 manual, pin PA12 can have the following alternative functions: SPI1_MOSI, EVENTOUT, TSG_G4_I04, USART1_RTS_DE and COMP2_OUT.
Can I use all the alternate STM32L0 functions on the Murata Lorawan Module?
2020-06-03 12:39 AM
From Murata's "LoRa Module FAQ":
Q. What is the difference between CMWX1ZZABZ-078 and CMWX1ZZABZ-091?
A. In terms of the performance and the software, basically there is no difference between these two modules. The only difference is the Hardware Encryption for AES.
CMWX1ZZABZ-078 carries this function, but CMWX1ZZABZ-091 does not. Besides, the price is the same for both modules.
CMWX1ZZABZ-078 - STM32L082
CMWX1ZZABZ-091 - STM32L072
>According to the STM32L072 manual, pin PA12 can have the following alternative functions: SPI1_MOSI, EVENTOUT, TSG_G4_I04, USART1_RTS_DE and COMP2_OUT.
From manual 072: "Alternative functions: SPI1_MOSI, EVENTOUT, TSG_G4_I04, USART1_RTS_DE and COMP2_OUT." and "Aditional functions: USB_DP"
2020-07-02 3:09 PM
I am trying to access CMWX1ZZABZ-093. which pin should i use to access the UART of module?
2020-07-02 8:45 PM
23 PA3/ADC3 - I/O - STM32L072_PA3 - UART_RX for AT command interface
24 PA2/ADC2 - I/O - STM32L072_PA2 - UART_TX for AT command interface
2020-08-27 12:29 PM
same goes for 078 and 091 modules? Do these modules by default comes with AT command ?
2020-09-01 6:56 AM
does -078 module come prebuilt with AT command firmware inside it or do i need to use LPWAN software package from ST?
2020-09-01 9:35 PM
CMWX1ZZ ABZ-078 - "test firmware" ( not "LoRa Modem Firmware" !)
I worked with such modules using modified libraries from STM
2020-09-02 8:15 AM
Can you guide me through the process of putting lora modem inside it?
2020-09-02 9:04 AM
Try using the "AT_Slave" project example from ST I-CUBE-LRWAN library for B-L072Z-LRWAN1 dev board.
In I-CUBE-LRWAN it is in the folder "\Projects\B-L072Z-LRWAN1\Applications\LoRa\AT_Slave".
From readme.txt:
"This directory contains a set of source files that implements an example of a LoRa modem that is controlled though AT command interface over UART by an external host, like a computer executing a terminal.
This application is targeting the B-L072Z-LRWAN1 Discovery board embedding the CMWX1ZZABZ-091 LoRa module."