2022-10-18 2:08 AM
What parameters of 'aci_gap_set_authentication_requirement' are relevant for client side?
What can I set the irrelevant parameters to?
tBleStatus aci_gap_set_authentication_requirement( uint8_t Bonding_Mode,
uint8_t MITM_Mode,
uint8_t SC_Support,
uint8_t KeyPress_Notification_Support,
uint8_t Min_Encryption_Key_Size,
uint8_t Max_Encryption_Key_Size,
uint8_t Use_Fixed_Pin,
uint32_t Fixed_Pin,
uint8_t Identity_Address_Type )
2022-10-19 5:24 AM
The same parameters as on server side are relevant for aci_gap_set_authentication_requirement command, you can look in BLE_HeartRate example to see how this command is used.
Best Regards