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P-NUCLEO-LRWAN2 Softwareupdate for endnote

Associate II

I got the package P-NUCLEO-LRWAN2

It consists of an endnode and a gateway for sending date from endnote to gateway and further to an application.

In the manual (UM2587) "Getting started with the P-NUCLEO-LRWAN2 and P-NUCLEO-LRWAN3 starter packs" on page 10 is that statemaent:


My endnode NUCLEO-L073RZ falls into that range, and therefor I have to change the sotfware. In the softwarepackage of i-cube-lrwan are parts related to different MCU and also to different 'cases' (AT_Master and End_Node).

I guess I have to select the part STM32-L073RZ, but what case (AT-Master or End-Note).

in the documentation i found no hit what is preloaded for the endnode.

An other question why can't be used for reprogramming the endnote the STM CUBE IDE?

Has anyboddy a answer?

Best regards



>>I guess I have to select the part STM32-L073RZ, but what case (AT-Master or End-Note). in the documentation i found no hit what is preloaded for the endnode.

Could you send AT commands via the VCP? Observe the output stream?

Perhaps download the current binary image with ST-LINK Utilities, or STM32 Cube Programmer, and inspect?

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Associate II

I couldn't sent AT commands (by Realterm) to the endnote, but sending AT commands to the gateway is OK.

Also I couldn't detect any output stream on the endnote.

I have no idea to inspecte the binary


Associate II

Hi Georg,

do you have any update for the problem? I have the same problem. I could any output from gateway, but nothing from the sensor device. After doing something, I missed even the VCP for the gateway, and now I can't open any comport for the gateway.

Associate II

Hi SYoo,

unfortunatly I still the problem. No progress.


Associate II

Me too!

I have also bought a new package of this:


STM32 Nucleo pack LoRa™ HF band sensor and gateway

The node does not respond to AT command. The gateway do.

ST's quality control is very bad! They do not verify it before they ship this product.

ST's support is also horrible. They tell you to read large amount of books and manuals.

The sensors node shield was made in China. Their source code is published on github with many broken links. Manuals are badly written badly structured. I suspect they have folded already during the China pandemic.

The gateway works, but the firmware is not open. You have to ask ST for a fresh copy if you have corrupted it with mistake.

Associate II

I'm having the same problem. Has anybody got one of these boards working? I'm having the same problems - AT commands not working.

Does the last firmware version referred to in the manual refer to the software pack

LoRaWAN software expansion for STM32Cube

or does it refer to something else? If it refers to something else, where can I find it?



Unless I'm mistaken the "End Node" would be an I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1 with a USI WM-SG-SM-42 Module on it.

For the "LoRaWan" end of the connectivity you might want to check what USI firmware is current.

The code running on the NUCLEO-64 is going to be interfacing with the USI module via one of the UARTs using the AT Commands provided. How this interacts, and how the NUCLEO-64 manages UART and VCP side code would be the AT Master software if I'm not mistaken.

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>>They tell you to read large amount of books and manuals.

This is how the world worked pre-internet, served me pretty well.

Not sure you'd really want to pay the hourly rates good support actually costs. The cost of the kit barely covers the hardware.

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