2020-09-24 06:57 AM
I am trying to use the STM32WB55 Nucleo Pack to develop a BLE application.
Does anyone know what these constants represent ?
* There is one handler per service enabled
* Note: There is no handler for the Device Information Service
* This shall take into account all registered handlers
* (from either the provided services or the custom services)
This code is extracted from the client project but it is the same in the server project.
Thank you for your reply!
2020-10-14 08:13 AM
These 2 constants are initialized by the BLE controller:
This API registers a handler to be called when a GATT user event is received from the BLE core device. When
/* a Service is created, it shall register a callback to be notified when a GATT event is received from the
* BLE core device. When a GATT event is received, it shall be checked in the handler if the GATT events belongs
* to the Service or not. The handler shall return the correct status depending on the result. As soon as one
* Service handler registered acknowledges positively the GATT event, the ble_controller stops calling the
* registered Service handlers. */
void SVCCTL_RegisterSvcHandler( SVC_CTL_p_EvtHandler_t pfBLE_SVC_Service_Event_Handler )
SVCCTL_EvtHandler.SVCCTL__SvcHandlerTab[SVCCTL_EvtHandler.NbreOfRegisteredHandler] = pfBLE_SVC_Service_Event_Handler;
Then the handler is registered during the initialization of the service.
* Register the event handler to the BLE controller
It is the same for BLE_CFG_CLT_MAX_NBR_CB
SVCCTL_RegisterCltHandler() is used for clients
SVCCTL_RegisterSvcHandler() is used for services.