2021-07-11 8:41 PM
I have a board NUCLEO-WL55JC1 and download a LoRaWAN End-Node Example on it form STM32CubeIDE, but it not join to LoRaWAN network sucessfully.
My LoRa Gateway is Drgaino-LG308 with TTN(The Thing Network) Server, the frequency is EU868.
After some checking, I found the TX is work, the server was accepted and responsed the JOIN request, but my board don't receive any LoRa packet. I also add some log in RadioIrqProcess() when it get irq about Rx but it show nothing.
How do I fix it OR figure out what problem is it?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-07-11 11:50 PM
Hello @CChow.3 ,
It seems that either your gateways is sending the join-response a little early or late (unlikely), or the RX1 window (or RX2 depending on how your LNS is configured) is not well timed. If you're using the Semtech stack set the MIB_SYSTEM_MAX_RX_ERROR parameter to a higher value (200 for example) and retest it.
Otherwise, please provide more details to make it easier to help you.
Best regards,
@SBEN .2
2021-07-11 11:50 PM
Hello @CChow.3 ,
It seems that either your gateways is sending the join-response a little early or late (unlikely), or the RX1 window (or RX2 depending on how your LNS is configured) is not well timed. If you're using the Semtech stack set the MIB_SYSTEM_MAX_RX_ERROR parameter to a higher value (200 for example) and retest it.
Otherwise, please provide more details to make it easier to help you.
Best regards,
@SBEN .2
2021-07-12 2:16 AM
I fixed it, seem there is a problem on my internet, it make the JOIN response delayed. the JOIN process is work when I use a local LoRaWAN server network.
Thank for your suggestion.
2021-09-27 9:34 AM
Hello i have the same problem: STM32WL55JC1, EndNode Example with STM32Cube IDE 1.7.0
###### AppKey: 2B:7E:15:16:28:AE:D2:A6:AB:F7:15:88:09:CF:4F:3C
###### NwkKey: AC:F3:EE:8D:62:23:49:3B:46:1A:B8:B1:41:EC:BE:99
###### ABP ######
###### AppSKey: 2B:7E:15:16:28:AE:D2:A6:AB:F7:15:88:09:CF:4F:3C
###### NwkSKey: 2B:7E:15:16:28:AE:D2:A6:AB:F7:15:88:09:CF:4F:3C
###### DevEui: 70:B3:D5:7E:D0:xx:xx:xx
###### AppEui: 01:01:01:01:01:01:01:01
###### DevAddr: 05:00:xx:xx
0s035:TX on freq 868500000 Hz at DR 0
###### = JOIN FAILED
100s040:temp= 22
100s041:VDDA= 254
100s044:TX on freq 868100000 Hz at DR 0
101s530:MAC txDone
106s564:RX_1 on freq 868100000 Hz at DR 0
106s762:MAC rxTimeOut
107s564:RX_2 on freq 869525000 Hz at DR 0
107s762:MAC rxTimeOut
The Thing Stack Live Console:
There was an error and the event cannt not be displayedThe raw event can be displayed by clicking this raw
Raw Data:
"name": "ns.up.join.cluster.fail",
"time": "2021-09-27T16:17:26.339931133Z",
"identifiers": [
"device_ids": {
"device_id": "wl55jc1-01",
"application_ids": {
"application_id": "wl55jc1"
"device_ids": {
"device_id": "wl55jc1-01",
"application_ids": {
"application_id": "wl55jc1"
"dev_eui": "70B3D57ED004xxxx",
"join_eui": "0101010101010101"
"data": {
"@type": "type.googleapis.com/ttn.lorawan.v3.ErrorDetails",
"namespace": "pkg/joinserver",
"name": "mic_mismatch",
"message_format": "MIC mismatch",
"correlation_id": "46b0ed8d76db4c529c903faea65d9c6a",
"code": 3
"correlation_ids": [
"origin": "ip-10-100-14-45.eu-west-1.compute.internal",
"context": {
"tenant-id": "CgN0dG4="
"visibility": {
"rights": [
"unique_id": "01FGM0QYT35D14T7E21K4NX0ZZ"
2021-09-27 10:50 AM
In wich file i will find the define-command für MIB_SYSTEM_MAX_RX_ERROR ?
In loraMac.h there is no command
2021-09-28 3:09 AM
The solution, it is my first try with this bord, the LORAWAN_APP_KEY in se-identity.h was identical with the AppKey in the TTS-Console, but the LORAWAN_NWK_KEY was differend!
Another little silly thing
2023-02-18 7:44 AM
I got also issue that join request response was lost. It happened after i switched from LSE to LSI. I managed to get it working by using LmHandlerSetSystemMaxRxError( 200 );
This is located in LmHandler.c, function LmHandlerConfigure.
As the LSI is very un-precise it makes sense that the timings are off.
I am not sure what it actually changes, did not dig too much.
By the way i am using STM32WLE5 IC.
2024-12-10 11:10 PM
I have the same problem using the End_Node example, however I have had the Nucleo connected to the LoRaWAN network, it is just very intermittent in joining. I have changed LmHandlerSetSystemMaxRxError to (200) but this did not help.
I also cannot see any Join Request messages. Why might this be?