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Inquiries Regarding STM32WLE MCU-based RF Module Development (Analog Switches)

Associate III

I aim to construct an RF module utilizing the STM32WLE MCU.
To achieve this goal, I am currently scrutinizing the reference design schematics found at en.MB1389-WL55JC-highband-E02_Schematic 

I would greatly appreciate your assistance in comprehending the following aspects:

  1. In the provided schematics, the STM32WL55JCI7 pins PC3 (LPTIM1_ETR, SPI2_MOSI/I2S2_SD, LPTIM2_ETR, CM4_EVENTOUT), PC4 (CM4_EVENTOUT), and PC5 (CM4_EVENTOUT) deliver FE_CTRL3, FE-CTRL1, and FE_CTRL2 signals to Analog and RF switches, respectively. However, the STM32WL55CC UFQFPN48 I intend to use lacks PC3, PC4, and PC5 pins. Should I employ alternative pins, and is it necessary to modify the corresponding STM stack?

  2. Could you kindly elucidate the primary functions of the analog switches? One is linked to VDDPA, and the other is linked to VR_PA.

Thank you