2021-06-09 2:00 AM
NUCLEO-LRWAN2�?� sensor 보드�?� 기본 �?재�?� firmware�?� souce code가 있으면 보내 주시면 �?사하겠습니다.
i want a firmaware of F746RZ.
STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V2.0.0는 가지고 있는�?� 혹시 �?�것�?� 맞으면 어떻게 compile 해야하는지 알여주세요
My project is breaking up.
2021-06-09 3:16 AM
USI® WM-SG-SM-42 low-power long-range LoRaWAN® module, based on the STM32L052
MCU and Semtech SX1272 transceiver
I think this guys are the ones producing your lorawan module?, maybe ask them.
2021-06-09 3:23 AM
Not sure USI provides source to their implementation, only the NUCLEO side AT command interface. Perhaps ST has some engineers in the local sales office who can assist you?