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I'm running the IEE802.5.4 protocol stack on the STM32WB50. Why does the System Clock Mtu source switch on its own?

Associate II


We are verifying the communication of the IEEE802.15.4 protocol stack with STM32WB50. I tried to insert a 1ms interrupt on CPU1, but when I initialized and enabled IEEE802.15.4, the 1ms interrupt was extended to 2ms. The cause was that the System Clock Mtu input was switched from PLLCLK to HSE_SYS.

The external clock 32MHz is put in the HSE, and the system clock is set to 64MHz by the PLL. And I set the source of System Clock Mtu to PLLCLK.

Please tell me why it switches.

Can the Systemu Clock Mtu source be fixed to PLLCLK?

Associate II

This is the sequel.

After tracking, the SWS / SW of the RCC clock configuration register (RCC_CFGR) changed from 11: PLL selected as system clock to 10: HSE selected as system clock after LL_C1_IPCC_SetFlag_CHx () was called.

I couldn't find such a description in any of the materials.

Why is this happening?