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I am unable to connect the microcontroller to STM32CubeProgrammer, Keil, or other software via ST-Link

Associate II

In order to test the BLE performance of the STM32WB55CGU6 in STM32CubeMonitor-RF, I downloaded the BLE_TransparentMode program onto the STM32WB55CGU6. However, I did not notice that the pin configuration of this program did not enable Serial Wire. The pin configuration is shown in the image.

This has resulted in a problem: I am unable to connect the microcontroller to STM32CubeProgrammer, Keil, or other software via ST-Link. I have also tested the UART and USB connections in STM32CubeProgrammer, but they also failed to connect. What should I do to resolve this issue?

Chief III

SWD is always enabled under reset. Switch connection mode to this.

If NRST is connected to the debugger, use "Connect Under Reset"

You can also use BOOT0 pin to stop your broken code from running and blocking access.

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