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I am trying to debug my pcb but it keep giving the error No device found on target I am using STM32WB35CCU6A is there something I am missing.

Associate III

0693W00000Un8qDQAR.pngI am also trying to debug my pcb through bootloader usb but my my win11 computer says usb device not regonsized.


Tends to powering issues

Check part orientation

Check SWD pins​

Check NRST level​

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Associate III

these are my schematics

  1. WIn11 maybe not good choice
  2. Debug in ?? IAR KEIL IDE
  3. Bootloader debug is ... impossible
  4. Enable debuging in low power modes ...
  5. Is you firmware loaded and how stack is in coprocessor? Use SWD under reset mode

And swap


Associate III

I am using stm32cube ide.

Associate III

Is still not working I change orientation a soldered and unsolder few times I followed datasheet on power circuit but is still not working