2021-06-24 12:47 AM
I'm trying to use the STSAFE-A110 to store my LoRaWAN keys, to generate session keys and to encrypt my payloads through it.
I'm supposed to send commands to the secure-element but for the symetric encryption, neither the datasheet nor the source code gives us the command to send.
Furthermore, I read that it exists 16 slots for symetric encryption (into the STSAFE-A110 datasheet §3.3). How can I access it ?
Is-it only possible to do that with infos under NDA ?
Thank you !
2021-06-24 1:19 AM
This is the most frustrating about the STSAFE series, there are no real reference manual. You have to use the STSAFE driver from ST, and if you are having issue, its almost impossible to troubleshoot.
2024-08-13 3:49 AM
Did you able to store the lorawan keys in stsafe?