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how to understand samples in STM32 LoRa software expansion for STM32Cube

Associate II

I have a B-L475EIOT01A2C evaluation board with SX1272 MBed Shield (SX1272MB2xAS).

I'm trying to understand the samples in the en.i-cube_lrwan file structure which I downloaded from LoRaWAN software expansion for STM32Cube.

When I load for example End_Node or PingPong into STM32CubeIDE, the only project in the file structure is mlm32l07x01. The Includes under C++/C General..Paths and Symbols reference folders at a higher level than the project. So it seems this project is a subset of something else. Is this project only for MAC sublayer management entity (MLME), or something else? But how can I run for example End_Node or PingPong under STM32CubeIDE, and where does the Lora code go when I create a new project under STM32CubeIDE for the B-L475EIOT01A2C evaluation board?


The shield just has a radio chip with an SPI connection. All the code/brains has to go onto your target board.

Perhaps look at the NUCLEO+Shield examples, these will be the easier port to the IOT board. I'd start with creating a BSP for the HW specific stuff.

Perhaps use some static analysis software to review the structure of the code and all the parts that go into it.​

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