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How to power B-L072Z-LRWAN1 using CN11 (USB Conn.)?

Associate II

I am trying to power B-L072Z-LRWAN1 board using CN11 USB connector but not able to power it. Though I am able to see Red Led (LD7) glowing, Lorawan stack is not getting executed. I think MCU is not powered. Does anyone know how to power with CN11 connector?

Associate II

Hi all,

Can anyone explain the way to power the board with batteries?

I am trying with a small LED blink application. The board is working fine with the St-link power but not working with the batteries.

The above image is taken from the user manual of the same board. Where I am doing wrong?

Not seeing any images

"If the board is supplied by CN13, by battery or by CN11, SB37 must be removed to release the RESET pin managed by ST-LINK. In that case the ST-LINK is no more powered."

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Thank you for the reply...

But I don't want to ST-Link to be removed so I thought it is fine if I don't remove SB37.

The missing image is there below. this statement is right above the statement you shared.


I have gone through the schematic and I tried Closing (Fitting) the SB5 and it worked. Is it a bad approach?

Its less about powering, and more about not letting the ST-LINK clamp the device in reset.

The ST-LINK SWDIO/SWCLK pins are still connected.

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Can you please elaborate it?