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How to port STM32WB55RG's cable replacement sample firmware to STM32WB55CC MCU.

Associate III

HI Madam Sir,

Had anyone tried to port the cable replacement sample included in the Firmware package to STM32WB55CC? This MCU has different pins and FLASH sizes.

Thank you.

Ian C Mosquera

ST Employee

Hello @ICMosquera​ ,

The application runs on STM32WB55xx devices:

STM32CubeWB/Projects/P-NUCLEO-WB55.Nucleo/Applications/BLE/BLE_CableReplacement at master · STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeWB · GitHub

You should follow the pins assignment in the STM32WB55xx datasheet.

I suggest you have a look to this presentation which contains a Hands-On Cable Replacement example.


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Associate III

Hi Maam/Sir,


I bought the nucleo-WB55 version and managed to test out cable replacement, being the nucleo as the GATT Server and my phone as a peripheral. I even managed to tweak/add some code to send a string of characters to my phone upon pushing SW1, calling UTIL_SEQ_SetTask,(..,MY_TASK,...,MyFunction).

However, I tried this code on my new STM32 Project, the one with .IOC file, copied the code and and tried to mimic all the functions on, app_ble, crs_app, and crs_stm to my own app_ble, custom_app, and custom_stm.

I was able to connect using Serial Bluetooth terminal But when I press down the SW1, it didn't send the string of chars, this works on the cable replacement code though.

Have I forgotten some initialization or GATT declaration regarding this? Its hard for me to trace the cable replacement since this has no project file. 


Any help would be appreciated very much.




PS I created a similar thread to this too, hope that will be answered too.


Hello @ICMosquera 

For the migration of your code, I suggest you take a look at this migration guide: AN5805

Best Regards.


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