2021-03-20 4:49 PM
I am building LoRaWan code using STM32CubeWL Firmware Package, which is set up for the STM32WL55. My own hardware uses the Seeed LoRa-E5 module, which uses the STM32WLE5. Code built for the STM32WL55 runs on the STM32WLE5, but I thought I should migrate properly. So far I have:
(a) Changed the compiler flag from STM32WL55xx to STM32WLE5xx in Properties > C/C++ General > Paths and Symbols
(b) Deleted STM32WL55JCIX_FLASH.ld and replaced it with STM32WLE5XX_FLASH.ld
(c) Deleted startup_stm32wl55jcix.s and replaced it with startup_stm32wle5xx.s
The compiler raised a problem in usart.c, which I fixed by adding conditional compilation macros:
#if defined(DMA_CCR_SECM) && defined(DMA_CCR_PRIV)
// CGP these are defined for the STM32WL55 but not the STM32WLE5
if (HAL_DMA_ConfigChannelAttributes(&hdma_usart2_tx, DMA_CHANNEL_NPRIV) != HAL_OK)
#endif // #if defined(DMA_CCR_SECM) && defined(DMA_CCR_PRIV)
The resulting code builds and runs.
What else do I need to do? Search shows entries for "STM32WL55JCIx" in the .ioc and .cproject files. I have not tried to edit these. Do I need to?
2021-05-17 4:43 AM
I think this should be ok as did!