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How do I add data parameters to my LoRaWAN payload sent by my STM32WL55JC board


I'm following this tutorial by the official ST YouTube channel giving a step-by-step guide on sending sensor data to your application server through the network server The Things Network. I have been able to do the tutorial, but I would like to add an additional parameter to the data I'm sending (Particulate Matter Count). I have been able to interface the PM sensor to the board successfully through the I2C bus and I am able to read the data from its registers and process it to give the correct value. This is data I want to be able to send along with the temperature data, but making changes and additions to the payload is not covered in the YouTube tutorial. Can anyone here provide me with some assistance? :D

Associate III

Look at this link. There is a video with some explanations. I'm not sure is the best approach, but it works. It is in Italian, bat I hope comprehensible.