2022-02-03 6:18 AM
2022-02-03 6:43 AM
Please include your chip number in your post.
Doesn't HAL_UART_Transmit_IT also work with LPUARTx the exact same way it works with USARTx/UARTx?
> #define LPUART1 ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE)
2022-02-03 6:43 AM
Please include your chip number in your post.
Doesn't HAL_UART_Transmit_IT also work with LPUARTx the exact same way it works with USARTx/UARTx?
> #define LPUART1 ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE)
2022-02-03 7:11 AM
STM32WB55RG (nucleo)
2022-02-03 7:14 AM
@TDK and how can I activate the interruption for RX? Like this?__HAL_UART_ENABLE_IT(&hlpuart1,UART_IT_RXNE);
2022-02-03 7:19 AM
I think so, but let CubeMX generate the setup code if you are unsure. This doesn't enable the NVIC interrupt.
2022-02-03 7:47 AM
as far as I understood I can use any function for UART just changing the typedef to &hlpuart?
2022-02-03 10:50 AM
I tried this __HAL_UART_ENABLE_IT(&hlpuart1,UART_IT_RXNE); but there are some weird symbols in my rx buffer
2022-02-03 12:52 PM