2021-07-06 2:18 PM
I am running the same firmware build on two different pieces of hardware that contain an STM32WB55CG. The firmware is configured to use a Fixed Pin for pairing and bonding. One works as expected and will create a bonded, authenticated, encrypted link but the other will not pair and bond. The one that works can be disconnected and power cycled. It works every time. I am not able to get the other one to work no matter what I try. There seems to be something simple that I am missing. Why would it work on one but not the other?
2021-07-21 5:19 AM
Does it connect without pairing?
Are the 2 boards exactly the same? same question for the application SW?
What is the device connecting to one of your 2 board? a phone? another WB device?
2021-07-22 6:44 AM
Hey Remi,
Thanks for the reply.
Yes both connect without pairing.
Yes both boards are exactly the same and loaded with the same application SW.
They are both attempting to connect to an nRF application on my PC via an nRF52840-Dongle.
One works reliably but the other does not.
2021-07-27 1:10 AM
which version of stack/MX do you use ?
Pairing doesn't work on my project since updating MX from 1.8 to 1.12, I looking for solution.
2021-07-27 6:08 AM
We are currently running 1.11. We have some units that will pair reliably but others that will not. We've pushed this aside to work on other issues temporarily and hope to get back to it soon.