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Error: No STM32 target found!


I think it is the most popular topic among STM32 programmers who use ST-LINK V2 programming devices.

I have two devices: one is the Lora E5 MIni, and the second is the Lora E5Dev board. Both respond to the AT commands, so I expect they are healthy.

A few days ago, I could access these devices and see their memory. Today, I can't, and I don't know why.

I connected the programmer to the dev board as needed, and I can't connect to this device.




I tried to change settings as the other programmers suggested to achieve connection to such devices but without any success. Programming STM32 controllers using ST-LINK V2 is a kind of magic. It's a horror for me. I can't program my devices.

I upgraded firmware versions several times without any changes.

From the ST-LINK, it looks as expected, I think:


As I wrote above, changes of modes and reset modes gave no change.

So, what is wrong? ST-LINK answers on connection, but why it doesn't see devices connected to it?


Glad you got this working.

>>It seems that STM32CubeProgrammer doesn't accept a target voltage lower than 3.25V

I'm not sure this is an STM32 Cube Programmer thing. It's an electrical thing. The VTarget powers buffers on the ST-LINK, allowing it to drive the pins at a voltage compatible with the Target device. ie not exceeding, and not back powering.

The connectivity also have to be correct/consistent.

The Target needs to be viable, if it's not responding to the communication no useful data is going to be recoverable.

The stock ST-LINK/V2 should be usable in 2.7, 2.8, 3.0 and 3.3V senarios. I've used them in this context. The spec indicates 1.65 V to 3.6 V

Not sure there's magic involved, but things do have to align correctly, and the opportunity to be wrong is quite large.

The voltage threshold is more likely coming from the LoRa E5 module, and regulation / supply issues there.

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