2020-10-26 03:27 AM
Can someone help me?
I work with STM32CubeIDE, I-CUBE-LRWAN, Import End_Node Project example, config everything to work on Class C.
Device successfully join to the network, and switch to class C done appears on Serial terminal. But, when the uplink interval comes, and serial terminal showing SEND REQUEST , there is no packet comes to the gateway (monitored over Gateway dashboard from Network Server) while Class A with same hardware and Project Files on STM32CubeIDE works.
Class C is needed because I need to control relay output simultaneously.
I tried on SX1276, SX1272 Mbed board, with Nucleo-L073, also on B-L072Z-LRWAN1, nothing different.
We use RisingHF Network Server, Nucleo Gateway and Rising HF Gateway.
Thank you
2020-11-04 03:38 AM
Look for "#define LORAWAN_DUTYCYCLE_ON false " in lora.c file. Is it false?
Also write down your "Send" function.