2023-07-11 1:33 AM
I'm using STM32WB55CGU6 (UFQFPN-48) for a design and trying to connect with the ST link. But seems like it is not connecting in any way.
Can anyone tell me how can I connect this MCU and upload the firmware to this MCU? Why it is not responding?
2023-07-24 1:13 AM
Both of your(both of you) suggestions did not work. also even with 3.3V VDD, the MCU seems frozen. No sign of life. Recently bought the original ST-Link v2. But the same issue.
Other MCUs that we use for different circuits work fine with any of the ST-Link. But with this STM32WB55 I see no sign of life.
Even collected 10MCU extra from different vendors. Those also not working.
2023-07-24 1:22 AM
VDD:3.2V, NRST:3.2V. BOOT0:0.44V if kept open. I used pull-Up/Down options to test. No way it responds. Tried USB, did not work. Did not try USART yet. But seems like all these MCUs are just sleeping. No response. No sign of life.
2023-07-24 1:25 AM
Tried with v2 both with clones& original one. It can not detect the MCU. The clonesone uses STM32F103 inside. I don't think it's ST-Link. It's the MCU itself not working. But I tried 10MCUs. also checked the circuit diagram many times. Did not find any mistake in the circuit. But don't know what is the problem.
2023-07-24 1:35 AM
and you have all power+gnd pins connected ? (100% shure...?)
2023-07-24 6:23 AM
100% sure.
2023-07-24 6:28 AM
boot0 - gnd ? reset - vcc ?
or swd swc puzzled ? (i did this once, need many hours to find, because 100% sure, i was right )