2025-03-19 7:52 AM
1. [Part Number] NUCLEO-WL33CC1
2. [Environment] Windows 11 laptop
3. [Schematics] Using ST Nucleo board.
4. [Details] STM32CubeIDE would not enter debug.
5. [Expected behavior] It should enter debug after a power reset regardless of what low power mode
6. [How to reproduce] Simply program standard ST MRSUBG_WakeupRadio_Tx example
7. [Occurrence] The problem is constant
8. [Sanity checks] Changed cable. Confirmed boards with STM32CubeProgrammer.
I found that when I run the default ST MRSUBG_WakeupRadio_Tx example program, I am no longer able to enter debug mode or reprogram the device using the STM32_Programming tools (both GUI and CLI).
Is this expected behavior? If so, I would appreciate an explanation as to why this happens. My assumption is that regardless of how the device enters low power mode, a power cycle reset should allow the debugger to reconnect.
Is there a workaround for this? I find this issue quite frustrating, to be honest.
Many thanks in advance!