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Advanced Workflow

Associate II


I am relatively new to developing with the STM32WB55RGV6. Do I always have to start with CubeMX when developing? Do you work only with the CubeIDE? how is your workflow?

thanks in advance



Hello @EBuss.1​,

  • STM32CubeMX is an ST original tool to make developing projects easier for users by reducing effort, time and cost. It helps with the initializations and the generation of the code that will be updated by the user based on his application.

  • STM32CubeIDE is an advanced C/C++ development platform with peripheral configuration, code generation, code compilation, linking, and debug features.

  • In case you need already developed examples, I recommend you referring to the ones provided on ST boards within the Cube package.

I hope my answer has helped you, when your question is answered please close this topic by marking as Best the reply that answered you, it will help other find the solution faster.


Lead II

STM32CubeIDE is Eclipse based. So you can create projects without using the MX features (MX is also included in IDE).

With An eclipse project you are much more free in the structure of your project and in the writing of the code. This does not prevent you from including code generated by MX elsewhere.

Note that internally ST does not use the capabilities of MX to generate most of the provided examples.

Associate II

Many thanks for your reply. This helped a lot!