2019-06-13 3:09 PM
I ported AdaCore's opensource Ada toolchain to the STM32WB. I made a workalike of the dongles client demo. So far, so good!
Have fun!
2019-06-14 12:32 AM
Hi hedley, Nice work!
i take a look at your post and your github repository. This is impressive as the hal is created in another language compared to what we provide in C.
You also mention that SVD is important for you. You 're right, there is no direct link on st.com to this file but indirectly you can have it inside STM32cubeIDE. (under STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.productdb.debug_1.0.0.201904021149\resources\cmsis\STMicroelectronics_CMSIS_SVD)
Also inside your repository, you mention problems inside the RM0434. You can mention them here, they will be taken into account.
2019-06-14 8:38 AM
Thanks Pierre!
The main credit for the hal goes to AdaCore as they did the opensource Ada_Drivers_Library. I just did the port to the WB55 (and the L4 before that).
Appreciate the SVD path. Good to know. Might have saved me some time :)
Wrt the RM. Its silly things really you might get a field like: PLL[} or where a range is needed its just: FLD (should have been FLD[2:0]). I did not keep track of all of them but I think it was in the 10's of minor issues. The type of issues one might face if you were trying to build an SVD file from a cut&paste scrape :)