2024-09-26 5:11 PM
Hi all,
I check with STM32WBA55 datasheet have description can supported external PA.
But FW SDK(STM32Cube_FW_WBA_V1.4.0) released notes exist below description.
It look Known Limitations is not support EPA, usually need logic control between FEM and radio.
Can you let's know, Which FEM PN be recommend and will be supported in SDK?
Best Regards,
Ethan Chen
2024-10-07 4:43 AM
Hi EthanChen
A solution is being validated, but for the moment I don't have any more information about the PN FEM or the SDK.
BR, Joé
2024-10-08 6:36 PM
Hi Joe,
Thnaks your feedback.
Have offical release schedule on EPA solution?