2021-10-27 1:02 AM
4.18.0 was released 20th of October.
Release notes (which can be found here: https://support.touchgfx.com/docs/miscellaneous/changelog) is as follows:
I'm looking forward to give the new version a testdrive :)
What do you think of the new version? Bugs? nice features? Let ST know in the comments
(I'm not affilitated with ST - This post was simply missing so I made it)
2021-10-27 1:45 AM
You stole my post, I was writing that just now :face_with_tears_of_joy:.
Thank you for doing it, please everyone share your thoughts and feedback.
2021-10-27 2:44 AM
Base view still not implemented?
How are you supposed to implement for example UI dialogs that are global and can occur in any view?
-> You must copy & paste that dialog handling code into 100+ views. What if you want to change this handling? You must issue the fix into 100+ views.
I don't understand why the BaseView / View inheritance is not at the top of your priority list, even though nearly all GUI projects need the use of global elements and you have acknowledged it as well 24 months ago.
In my TouchGFX use case external sensor can spawn dialogs within any view, and this is nightmare with this setup. 100% of the views must implement the same buttonup, buttondown, buttonselect handling for this global dialog. We also have a globally available main menu, which must be copy-pasted into 100+ views.
2021-10-27 3:05 AM
It is on the top of the priority list for TouchGFX 4.19. The top priority for 4.18 was the video widget. It has been something we have wished to do for a long time as you know but it requires more ressources than we had before.
I completely agree with you, don't mistake me. It is something that should have been added a long time ago it is one of the big downsides of the actual tool...
I believe an application with a 100+ views can be optimized. Are you using custom containers ? It stills requires to add user code every time but still saves some time.
2021-10-28 12:30 AM
Sorry - I was too impatient :)
Questions about 4.18 started popping up and I couldn't find any place to discuss new features.
Keep up the good work!
2021-10-28 2:20 AM
Trying to install TouchGFX Generator 4.18 into CubeMX.
After clicking on "Refresh" . . . latest available version is 4.17.
4.18 is not listed.
2021-10-28 2:28 AM
In STM32CubeMX make sure you first go to the "CHECK FOR UPDATES" window to look for and download the TouchGFX 4.18.0 package. Only then can you see it and install it from the "INSTALL/REMOVE" window.
2021-10-29 3:41 AM
>It is on the top of the priority list for TouchGFX 4.19
Great, thanks for the update. Any ETA for 4.19? 3 months? 6 months?
4.19 Might be too late for our current project, but maybe next time.
>I believe an application with a 100+ views can be optimized. Are you using custom containers ?
Yes we do. We have split logic into Views, i.e. each view serve logically same purpose, even if they are visually the same.
For example we have a lot of scroll list Views for device settings. They all use the same ScrollList custom container, but for different purpose. This is to avoid one bloated View that serves multiple purposes by if-else logic.
I think it is better to have all different displayBrightness, keyClickSound, setLanguage, setStandbyTimer Views (which all use the same ScrollList custom container) than a monolith View that has 30 different settings menus integrated into it and logic is based on if-else cases.
-> Monolith View becomes very memory heavy, and more subject to SW regression. Change one setting and another one breaks. And monolith View has zero benefits to my knowledge. Even if we integrated all settings into one View, we would have 70+ views to deal with.
2021-11-02 6:58 AM
Touchgfx 4.18 documentation, in Translations chapter:
To export the texts, the developer uses the new tool, which is located in
The tool can be run in the TouchGFX Environment.
I couldn't find the environment in TouchGFX designer. Is there a command window to run translations.rb?
How could I run this command from windows?
2021-11-02 7:19 AM
To find the environment type "TouchGFX 4.18.0 Environment" in the search bar of your computer.
Otherwise it should be under Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\STMicroelectronics folder
You can also open it by opening msys.bat in the C:\TouchGFX\4.18.0\env\MinGW\msys\1.0 folder