2021-07-01 4:10 AM
Hi Everyone,
If you haven't noticed by now, X-CUBE-TOUCHGFX 4.17.0 is out, available from STM32CubeMX 6.0+ and from st.com as a zip (Also installable through STM32CubeMX).
Here is the documentation for 4.17.0: https://support.touchgfx.com/
Main features:
You can see all the bug fixing and improvements in the changelog.
If you wish to use L8 images in 16-,24- or 32bpp configurations, for some RTOS you will need to remove the OSWrappers::taskYield() function call in the DMA2D file templates of the X-CUBE installation (FreeRTOS from CubeMX works OK):
// OSWrappers::taskYield();
2021-07-01 7:51 AM
Additional information:
2021-07-01 6:55 PM
Thank you @Romain DIELEMAN , I like it much better the look and feel of this new release, so good job to ST.
But I am a bit disappointed to see this release seem not doing anything to improve dynamic graph. Dynamic graph widget is essential in real time monitoring data, however current widget has several downsides which likely user need to do a lot of work around especially for project that need x label as time axis. Here is list that I know of so far:
I tried to make all work around for above (except negative x label, not sure what happen), but the code become unbearable, it has significant redundant amount of code and it is hard to organize them for real professional qualification code.
Any plan for ST to improve these?
2021-07-02 12:52 AM
I have installed the new Touch GFX 4.17.
Created a blank project for F429_disco
Open CubeIDE, create new project from existing IOC file, but can't compile the project.
Is it the right way to do it ?
Tanks for your help.
2021-07-02 1:08 AM
When you create a project from TouchGFX Designer with the TouchGFX Board Setup (new name for Application Template) for the STM32F429 disco board and generate code from TouchGFX Designer, a fully configured STM32CubeIDE project will be generated for you. To open it you just have to double click on the .cproject or .project under the <project name>/STM32CubeIDE folder (no need to use the "create new project from existing IOC file" option).
2021-07-02 1:14 AM
Hi BParh.1,
Now that TouchGFX 4.17 it is in our plan to improve the dynamic graph and we take into accounts your ideas/suggestions. I do not have an estimated date of release. If you have more inputs please add them to the Idea Zone of this forum, this will help us keep track of it. I know I always write this down but we do take into account those ideas but just lack time/man power to be honest to do them all as fast as we would wish :grinning_face_with_sweat:.
2021-07-02 1:53 AM
thanks, it works fine.
After, is it possible to import IOC file to make modification on the components use on the board ?
2021-07-02 2:01 AM
In the project generated you already have an ioc file as well which you can modify. Otherwise yes it is fine to import IOC file but you just have to make sure to correct all the paths.
2021-07-02 3:56 AM
I have a project with 4.16.1 version and I want to update it to 4.17. However, when I open the project in the TGFX Designer ,I get "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error. What should I do?
2021-07-02 6:22 AM
Could you share your project ? Or a screenshot of your folder + path, and of the error message ?