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Wishes and suggestions for upcoming TouchGFX Designer releases

Senior III

I'm not sure if this has been a topic before (if it has feel free to delete / merge this)..

I'm starting to get the hang of using the Designer now. A few things that could be really nice:

  • Option to select which project types to compile
    • Reason: I'm most likely never going to use either KEIL or IAR for my development. If I could disable the code generation for those I would have fewer files and folder to maintain. I know that the actual code generated is located elsewhere but still - fewer folders to not look through searching for code :)
  • Option to disable the code generation for the Simulator
    • Reason: Currently some of the issues with generating a CubeIDE project comes with the Simulator files being included. If they weren't there could we solve some of those issues?
  • When selecting application template there's different versions available. for the F746-Disco board there is a 1.0.0 and a 2.0.0 (or something along those lines). Selecting the newest by default could be great. Also - How do I check for updates on those application templates?

Maybe somebody else will have more suggestions for features?

Chief III

Funny you should ask this because one of the marketing guys is preparing a similar post to ask for feature requests for upcoming releases.

1) Once we port all Application templates to CubeMX you can generate only the files you need. Until then, we have to keep all supported projects inside the ATs to support all compilers. Or we'd have to have one for each compiler which would get a bit messy, i think.

2) The issues with the inclusion of "simulator/main.cpp" will be fixed. Traction is a bit slow for some of these fixes despite their simplicity. I think having the option to see and test (using inputs from keyboard) your design in the simulator before deploying it onto your target hardware is really strong.

3) I see your point here. I'll talk to the designer guys about this.

Sure, anyone else please chime in with requests. If this gets enough popularity, i'll sticky it and just use it instead of creating a new post. Also, we're hoping to get some sort of upvote/downvote system in place to more efficiently vote on this kind of topic.


Senior III

Another thing that would be nice: inline documentation. If you can find a way to link to your documentation page from the designer or show a popup box with information.

The designer is very intuitive but having quick access to the API controls could be handy. For example: I put in a button on the design but I can't remember the methods available for toggling alpha. I know it's in the docs but I have to go through the website and help center to find the article.

Chief III

We've talked about this too. Thanks for bringing it up again - It would definitely be helpful to have the API documentation readily available. I'll go have a chat right now!


Senior III

About that documentation... I know it will take a huge effort but it would be greatly appreciated if the docs somehow could be pointing at the latest release (4.10)

This sounds way more harsh than I intended it to. I know it will be a massive thing to do.. I just wanted to get it on 'the list of wishes' :)

Chief III

I don't take offense easily when it come to improving the quality of TouchGFX, so lay it all out :) It's a huge effort, yes, and we're aware of the current issues regarding doc. We're trying our best to keep up and improve things - Let's just say there's plenty of work in many areas.. I promise we'll get to it!

Thanks for sharing that!


Senior III

Following up on the post here:

and for your convenience (i hope!) so you can just refer to this thread

A suggestion with regards to the memory assignment. Would it be possible to have a checkbox somewhere to enable/disable the use of QSPI memory? maybe even an option to set the size.

This information could be used to tailor the linker script accordingly. This might be in the CubeIDE department but you guys know that way better :)

Chief III

Hi @HP​,

You can en/disable QSPI in CubeMX. And if your linker script doesn't specify a QSPI region then it'll go to internal flash. We're (at Touchgfx) already investigating something like what you're after when it comes to linker scripts and also CubeMX/IDE integration in general (dun dun dun dunnnn). I can't say more than that right now so we'll see where it all ends up :)


I think we're quite a few people that are looking forward to the next updates!

In fact I do hope that the videos that I have done (and the ones I plan on doing) will become obsolete - because that just means that it's straightforward and intuitive to dig into :)

The reason for the request for the memory assignment is simply to be able to control where the different assets go. maybe you want some things to be available faster than something else - wasn't that the case with fonts and texts? I just placed everything in external memory but I couldn't tell the difference.

On the request side of things I just thought of 2 things although they are only borderline touchGFX related:

  1. a ring buffer for the serial port. I have a working code that I will publish in a few days when I get time to do a video on it, but i can't wrap my head around that ST only allows for a fixed length RX/TX method.
  2. a guide to to ELF loaders. I think I have the general idea but you know - the more information, the better!

Keep up the good work :) I'm really happy with the knowledge I can gain from this forum!

Senior III

@Martin KJELDSEN​ 

More requests as I start to use the designer part.

  1. a way of not snapping to gridlines/ objects - For example, having 3 items that require a specific lineup that is just a hairline above each other. It's possible to move an item around using the arrow keys, I guess on a pixel basis? I think VS use the 'alt' key to do disable the snapping?
  2. When having multiple screens or designing menu screens with more than a few 'pages' it would be really nice to be able to nest them under each other or have a parent/child thing. that way the structure of the menu would be easier to see (I know that you can rearrange the individual screens
