2021-11-30 7:29 AM
i am using touchGFX designer V4.18.0. In software run target option is disabled.
how can i recover that so please tell me the process to get run target option.
2021-11-30 7:30 AM
Please check in picture.
2021-11-30 7:44 AM
Maybe you don't have STM32 Programmer installed on your computer?
2021-11-30 8:03 AM
what ? that is not a cause..
If i opened directly from touchGFX designer that run target option came in active.
I did the below process.
took a stmcubemx .ioc file from my old project because of some usb related errors in touchGFX.
Copy that file in to a new floder
Opened & Generate code again.
Got TouchGFX .part file & stmcubeide folders.
Opened .part file & browse my old touchGFX file
So at that time only I lost run target option in my touchGFX designer.
Something is happened . So please tell me Experts this issue need to be cleared for me
2021-11-30 9:06 AM
Target enabling is based on enter comands in config build
in normal project generated from .part file have this empty
2021-11-30 9:47 AM
ok can i copy that cmds from old project?
i got this error making run target
make -f ../gcc/Makefile -j10
make: ../gcc/Makefile: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target '../gcc/Makefile'. Stop.
2021-11-30 10:18 AM
I don't quite understand your problem. Code generation works "straight out of the box" for me.
1) Generate Code in TouchGFX
2) Go to the project file folder and double click on /STM32CubeIDE/.project
This should invoke STM32CubeIDE with your project fully loaded and ready to compile.
From here on there is no need to open .project again. Just Generate Code and go back to CubeIDE.
What STM32 board are you running?
2021-11-30 10:32 AM
Actually i am using STM32F469I-Disco kit . when i add usb virtual com port in cubemx i got compile error in touchGFX but no error in stmcubeide.
at that time based on Community member instructions
I did the below process.
took a stmcubemx .ioc file from my old project because of some usb related errors in touchGFX.
Copy that file in to a new floder
Opened & Generate code again.
Got TouchGFX .part file & stmcubeide folders.
Opened .part file & browse my old touchGFX file
So at that time only I lost run target option in my touchGFX designer.
after now
now add (copy) the build commands. I got run target option but make file error is coming as we discussing about that
make -f ../gcc/Makefile -j10
make: ../gcc/Makefile: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target '../gcc/Makefile'. Stop.
I told you everything what i did please get solution anyone.
2021-11-30 11:07 AM
I don't have the time or knowledge to analyze your situation. This works fine for me.
TouchGFX 4.18.0
STM32CubeIDE 1.7.0 and latest 1.8.0
1) Generate Code in TouchGFX
2) Open /STM32CubeIDE/.project file
If you need to change the hardware configuration, open .ioc straight from CubeIDE.
After that, you can skip step #2
The only known bug is do not use TouchGFX Board Setup Version 3.0.5. Use v 3.0.4 with STM32F469I-DISCO.
2021-11-30 10:21 PM
Looks like you have one or more images that have an issue. If you notice in your attached screen shot there is a red bar next to your images.
I had this happen. My issue was an illegal image name that included a space. Once I renames the image file to not have a space and reloaded those images, I could then compile/run on target.