‎2021-01-28 8:41 AM
I install touchGFX Designer 's 4.16.0. The application templates only has PC and STM32F429 Discovery board template. Even when I connect the network, but the lab of the online application is still disabled, so I can not enter this menu.
If there some configuration or packages I missed. I remembered that before now, I can create application templates based on some other discovery boards.
So how I can I see other templates. Because I want to use STM32F746 discovery board to do some evaluation.
‎2021-01-28 10:06 AM
I too have the same issue right now. I think the problem is due the template package site being down at the moment. I could be wrong.
‎2021-01-28 10:39 AM
Yes. Someone has meet this problem at 2019. See the link. https://community.st.com/s/profile/0050X000009xxkXQAQ.
The response from ST engineer is that --This could be a proxy thing.
The missing templates indeed are caused by network restrictions. On a PC with full internet access we can see a number of application templates. So next we will try to generate a F429 project and adapt to our F103.
I'm not very clearly about "full internet access", because my laptop is company's.
‎2021-01-28 11:36 AM
Yes, maybe you are right. Becasue last Sunday, I can still see the different application templates based on different discovery board. So I suggest to ST engineer that whether we could down load the templates​ file from a fixed link to the touchGFX installed directory. So that there will be another way to resolve the problem when we have no idea.
‎2021-01-28 11:54 PM
There is an issue with the server. We are working on it sorry.
Here is the link for now http://sw-center-st-com.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/touchgfx/pacman/packages.json.zip . Once you download the zip files/tpa you can add them to designer following this article.
‎2021-01-29 12:02 AM
Dear Romain,
Thanks so much that I can receive your response, you save my pattion about touchGFX. =)
‎2021-01-29 2:11 AM
Haha nice to hear that :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes: