2021-01-11 2:29 AM
I am using STM32f429VIT6 and TouchGFX graphics library on my custom board I am not using any OS.
I have refered to the video shared in the youtube @ the below location:
where I am able to get the steady display but the variable is not get updated for me. After debugging I have found that my function Screen1View::analogUpdate() was not called anywhere.
SO wanted to ask, where should we call this Screen1View::analogUpdate() function in my code to variable to be updated.
Nirav Bhatt
2021-01-12 3:11 AM
What versions of CubeMX, CubeIDE and TouchGFX are you using ? What is the revision of your board ?
I have not watched the entire video, but know that it works. Have you properly followed the coding steps ? Could you check your code alongside the video again (especially the model/presenter/view section since I see that the anologUpdate function is called at every tick in model.cpp) ?
2021-01-12 3:35 AM
Are you sure for example that you call analogUpdate() in the Model::ticke() loop in model.cpp ? minute 39 of the video.
Have you tried putting a printf before analogUpdate() to see if "if(osSemaphoreWait(binarySemAnaloginputHandle, 100) == osOK)" is ever verified ?
void Model::tick()
if(binarySemAnaloginputHandle != NULL)
if(osSemaphoreWait(binarySemAnaloginputHandle, 100) == osOK)
touchgfx_printf("Do I enter the loop ?\n");