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Where are up to date examples of using BSP_LCD functions on the stm32H743-eval? There is little I can find searching the net and this forum and what does exists is hopeless dated.


Accepted Solutions

Finally got it to work.

Had to uncheck the generate code for MX_LTDC_Init in the CubeMX Project Manager/Advanced Settings along with unchecking the LTDC global interrupts in the LTDC category NVIC settings since this adds interrupt handlers to the stm32h7xx_it.c file which require a LTDC_HandleTypeDef to have been created. Also had to lower the LCD clock value to 25MHz.

View solution in original post

ST Employee

Hello @Community member​,

You can download the BSP and the display examples using the BSP_LCD functions from the latest release of STM32CubeH7 (version 1.11.0) MCU package:

  • STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.11.0\Projects\STM32H743I-EVAL\Examples\BSP
  • STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.11.0\Projects\STM32H743I-EVAL\Applications\Display\LTDC_PicturesFromSDCard
  • STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.11.0\Projects\STM32H743I-EVAL\Applications\Display\LTDC_Paint
  • STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.11.0\Projects\STM32H743I-EVAL\Applications\Display\LTDC_AnimatedPictureFromSDCard

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In the MCU package referenced there is a BSP example but it does not reveal how to use the LCD as a print device as the older utilities used to provide. The same goes for LTDC example. the MCU package also has a Utility folder which contains an lcd and Lcd_Trace folder, neither containing anything familiar with respect to the older utilities that would print to the lcd using the print function.

Where did that support go?


Keep in mind I am using CubeMX to generate the base code. This seems to be an issue since the eval BSP files, namely stm32h743_eval_lcd, conflict with the code in the utilities.


Well this just keeps getting worse. One of my problems is that after I added the BSP Components and STM32H743-EVAL folders to my project created bu CubeMX based on the STM32H743-eval board, I added the include paths to the project but forgot that operation does not include the code paths to the Properties>C.C++ General>Paths and Symbols Source Location Tab. Once I got those added, I am getting all kinds of errors for undeclared functions and macros in the utility code for ldc_trace.c Yet if I hilight the offending item and right click to select Open Declaration, the IDE opens the correct file to reveal the item and its definition.


OK, found a bug.

In the repository for STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.11.0, in the Utilities folder, in Common resides the uilities_conf_template.h. The defines under /* Define the LCD TRACE Colors */, starting at line 108 are wrong. They reference defines from stm32_lcd.h but are spelled wrong and therefore cause undefined errors. For example at line 108:


should be:


(no "S" in "UTILS..."

this goes back to V1.9.0 but that is as far as I have for H7.

I found this comparing some of the application examples for H743 where the uilities_conf.h files have the correct spelling.


I am still getting a lot conflicts between the LCD_trace in Utilities and cube MX code for MX_LTCD_Init.

So is someone from ST going to answer the orginal question of how are we supposed to use the LCD trace utilities with code generated from cube MX without having to re-write the trace utility code?


This is such a time sink trying to figure out how to use the Utility/LCD_Trace functions in conjunction with a project from CubeMX using the stm32H743i-Eval board as a board selection, and having enabled the SDMMC, LTCD, and Azure RTOS. Adding the Utilities and the BSP/stm32h743i-eval drivers to the project conflicts with the code the CubeMX generates. So how is this supposed to work???


Following the documentation in UM2298 I have verified that my project conforms to the information found therein. I created a folder called BSP under drivers and have set all the correct properties for inclusion and source paths. I did the same for Utilities. the BSP files and Utilities I imported from STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.11.0. I have not written any calls to the BSP or Utility functions. When I compile I get the following errors:

Description   Resource   Path   Location   Type

./Drivers/BSP/STM32H743I-EVAL/stm32h743i_eval_qspi.o:/mnt/Data/DevData/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace_1-11-0/STM32H743-EVAL-Utils/Debug/../Drivers/BSP/STM32H743I-EVAL/stm32h743i_eval_qspi.c:79: multiple definition of `hqspi'; ./Core/Src/main.o:/mnt/Data/DevData/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace_1-11-0/STM32H743-EVAL-Utils/Debug/../Core/Src/main.c:75: first defined here   STM32H743-EVAL-Utils         C/C++ Problem

./Utilities/lcd/stm32_lcd.o:/mnt/Data/DevData/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace_1-11-0/STM32H743-EVAL-Utils/Debug/../Utilities/lcd/../Fonts/font12.c:1380: multiple definition of `Font12'; ./Utilities/Fonts/font12.o:/mnt/Data/DevData/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace_1-11-0/STM32H743-EVAL-Utils/Debug/../Utilities/Fonts/font12.c:1380: first defined here   STM32H743-EVAL-Utils         C/C++ Problem

./Utilities/lcd/stm32_lcd.o:/mnt/Data/DevData/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace_1-11-0/STM32H743-EVAL-Utils/Debug/../Utilities/lcd/../Fonts/font12.c:47: multiple definition of `Font12_Table'; ./Utilities/Fonts/font12.o:/mnt/Data/DevData/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace_1-11-0/STM32H743-EVAL-Utils/Debug/../Utilities/Fonts/font12.c:47: first defined here   STM32H743-EVAL-Utils         C/C++ Problem

./Utilities/lcd/stm32_lcd.o:/mnt/Data/DevData/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace_1-11-0/STM32H743-EVAL-Utils/Debug/../Utilities/lcd/../Fonts/font16.c:1760: multiple definition of `Font16'; ./Utilities/Fonts/font16.o:/mnt/Data/DevData/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace_1-11-0/STM32H743-EVAL-Utils/Debug/../Utilities/Fonts/font16.c:1760: first defined here   STM32H743-EVAL-Utils         C/C++ Problem

./Utilities/lcd/stm32_lcd.o:/mnt/Data/DevData/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace_1-11-0/STM32H743-EVAL-Utils/Debug/../Utilities/lcd/../Fonts/font16.c:47: multiple definition of `Font16_Table'; ./Utilities/Fonts/font16.o:/mnt/Data/DevData/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace_1-11-0/STM32H743-EVAL-Utils/Debug/../Utilities/Fonts/font16.c:47: first defined here   STM32H743-EVAL-Utils         C/C++ Problem

./Utilities/lcd/stm32_lcd.o:/mnt/Data/DevData/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace_1-11-0/STM32H743-EVAL-Utils/Debug/../Utilities/lcd/../Fonts/font20.c:2139: multiple definition of `Font20'; ./Utilities/Fonts/font20.o:/mnt/Data/DevData/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace_1-11-0/STM32H743-EVAL-Utils/Debug/../Utilities/Fonts/font20.c:2139: first defined here   STM32H743-EVAL-Utils         C/C++ Problem

./Utilities/lcd/stm32_lcd.o:/mnt/Data/DevData/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace_1-11-0/STM32H743-EVAL-Utils/Debug/../Utilities/lcd/../Fonts/font20.c:45: multiple definition of `Font20_Table'; ./Utilities/Fonts/font20.o:/mnt/Data/DevData/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace_1-11-0/STM32H743-EVAL-Utils/Debug/../Utilities/Fonts/font20.c:45: first defined here   STM32H743-EVAL-Utils         C/C++ Problem

./Utilities/lcd/stm32_lcd.o:/mnt/Data/DevData/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace_1-11-0/STM32H743-EVAL-Utils/Debug/../Utilities/lcd/../Fonts/font24.c:2516: multiple definition of `Font24'; ./Utilities/Fonts/font24.o:/mnt/Data/DevData/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace_1-11-0/STM32H743-EVAL-Utils/Debug/../Utilities/Fonts/font24.c:2516: first defined here   STM32H743-EVAL-Utils         C/C++ Problem

./Utilities/lcd/stm32_lcd.o:/mnt/Data/DevData/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace_1-11-0/STM32H743-EVAL-Utils/Debug/../Utilities/lcd/../Fonts/font24.c:43: multiple definition of `Font24_Table'; ./Utilities/Fonts/font24.o:/mnt/Data/DevData/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace_1-11-0/STM32H743-EVAL-Utils/Debug/../Utilities/Fonts/font24.c:43: first defined here   STM32H743-EVAL-Utils         C/C++ Problem

./Utilities/lcd/stm32_lcd.o:/mnt/Data/DevData/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace_1-11-0/STM32H743-EVAL-Utils/Debug/../Utilities/lcd/../Fonts/font8.c:1000: multiple definition of `Font8'; ./Utilities/Fonts/font8.o:/mnt/Data/DevData/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace_1-11-0/STM32H743-EVAL-Utils/Debug/../Utilities/Fonts/font8.c:1000: first defined here   STM32H743-EVAL-Utils         C/C++ Problem

./Utilities/lcd/stm32_lcd.o:/mnt/Data/DevData/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace_1-11-0/STM32H743-EVAL-Utils/Debug/../Utilities/lcd/../Fonts/font8.c:47: multiple definition of `Font8_Table'; ./Utilities/Fonts/font8.o:/mnt/Data/DevData/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace_1-11-0/STM32H743-EVAL-Utils/Debug/../Utilities/Fonts/font8.c:47: first defined here   STM32H743-EVAL-Utils         C/C++ Problem

If I exclude the utilities/lcd, utilities/lcd_trace, and bsp/stm32H743i-eval folders from the build I get 0 errors. The imports of the utilities and bsp packages should be very straightforward as I have done this before with other boards such as stm32f429-disco with no problems. However, it does not work with stm32h743-eval and I suspect that ST has a problem. I have already noted in an earlier post a minor issue, but now I believe it goes much deeper.


I am attaching the archived project.