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When using L496 Application Template, CubeMX wipes out LCD_IO code from TouchGFXGeneratedHAL upon first trivial code generation

Michael K
Senior III

Title says it all. Steps to reproduce:

  • Create new project with L496 Disco Application Template
  • Open Project In CubeIDE, verify build OK
  • Open IOC in CubeMX. Change nothing, but click the Generate Code button. (Note that there is still an error in TouchGFX generator, generate anyway)
  • Build again, observe linker errors.

See image attached for code diff. Why is this happening? How can I prevent it?

I can use my version control to revert that section of the code, but I have to do it every time I regenerate the ioc :(

ST Employee


This is intriguing as I do not face it. What versions of STM32CubeMX and TouchGFX are you using ? What is the revision of your STM32L496 discovery board ? In my case, TouchGFX 4.17, STM32CubeMX 6.3 and revision MB1261 B-0. The section of the code in red is not removed in my case.

What is the error you face in TouchGFX Generator ? Could you maybe share screenshots or your project ?
