2019-10-30 08:53 AM
The datasheet for the STMF746G dev board has a camera connector (P1), which by the datasheet is recommended for use with the camera module STM32F4DIS-CAM (Section 8.15, https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/user_manual/f0/14/c1/b9/95/6d/40/4d/DM00190424.pdf/files/DM00190424.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.DM00190424.pdf).
However, this camera module seems obsolete and no longer sold by parametric search websites:
Is there a replacement camera that is compatible with the STMF746G connector and its DCMI interface?
EDIT: Don't need this anymore, but it won't let me delete the post.