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Weird artifact showing in my TextAreaWithOneWildcard

Associate II

Every text areas I place have cursor visible. From some of the areas I don't want to have cursors. How do I hide them?


Are you sure you cannot send me a modified project that exhibits this behavior?

No characters found in buffer.

I don't have the possibility to send a modified project right now. I'll try in a couple of weeks. :)

Could you try setting the width of the textareas to 0 and see if the "|" disappears?

Any update on this @Sandy.Dahl​?


I just noticed on your screenshot that the pipe on the bottom most input field seems to be "bold" - Can you verify that the typography used in that field is bold? Then we may be able to explain it.

Chief III

I modified the title of this issue to: "Weird artifact showing in my TextAreaWithOneWildcard" to be more explicit.

Sorry, vacation causes long answer times. :)

The error has been found and solved, it was too easy to see. The character "|" was apparantely added in the assets/text/texts.xlsx-file...


Thanks for the help!

Okay, glad it was apparent :)
