2019-05-21 8:13 AM
Every text areas I place have cursor visible. From some of the areas I don't want to have cursors. How do I hide them?
2019-05-22 12:52 AM
Hi @Sandy.Dahl,
Text areas in TouchGFX do not support cursors. Can you show me a screenshot? Something funky must be going on :)
2019-05-22 12:59 AM
Hi Martin!
Interesting, them I'm probably doing it wrong. It looks like this:
2019-05-22 2:23 AM
Hi @Sandy.Dahl,
That definitely looks "interesting" and actually does look like a cursor :) Are you able at all to share your project, or part of it, with me so that i can see this for myself and maybe debug it?
2019-05-22 2:39 AM
Hi again!
Which part do you want to see? The view or presenter of this screen?
Can it because I'm still using version 4.9.3...?
Thank you so much for your quick answer!
/ Sandy
2019-05-22 3:56 AM
Hi Sandy,
No problem. 4.9.3 is fine, i can upgrade the project here.
I just need an application that can show me the specific view you're seeing the issue with.
2019-05-22 5:17 AM
Hi Martin!
Sorry, can't share more than this.
From view.hpp:
TextAreaWithOneWildcard MeasurementText;
Unicode::UnicodeChar MeasurementBuffer[9];
uint32_t MeasurementValue = 0;
From view.cpp:
MeasurementText.setPosition(182, 144, 164, 37);
Unicode::strncpy(MeasurementBuffer, Unicode::EMPTY, 1);
void InfoView::setTextFieldData(uint32_t data)
MeasurementValue = data;
Unicode::snprintf(MeasurementBuffer, 9, "%u", MeasurementValue);
Thanks again for your help.
/ Sandy
2019-05-22 5:30 AM
There's nothing in that code that looks suspicious at all.
Instead of Unicode::strncpy(MeasurementBuffer, Unicode::EMPTY, 1), could you try MeasurementBuffer[0] = 0 ?
2019-05-24 7:06 AM
No change in outcome with your suggestion unfortunately... What to try now?
2019-05-26 11:50 PM
Hi Sandy, since i can't try this myself we can only speculate.To me it simply looks like the character "|". Can you check your buffers for that unicode? U+007C.