2019-12-04 11:28 PM
I have an issue with the vertical scrolling on the LCD. The video is not being stable on the screen. LCD resolution is 480*272.
Camera Decoder used ADV7180.
Source is from Camera which is interfaced with DCMI interface.
I have attached the Video , Please point me where exactly I am going wrong.
2019-12-05 1:07 AM
Can't watch the video from device I'm using but would guess a disparity in the line totals or synchronization.
2019-12-06 1:26 AM
Thank you for the quick response but I have checked the DCMI configurations and even configurations of the decoder. But not finding any clue where its going wrong.
After adjusting crop settings, now its scrolling down slowly.
2019-12-06 9:10 PM
VSYNC not connected or pin misconfigured in GPIO?
Measure waveform directly on VSYNC input pin of mcu (touching physically the pin itself - I am aiming at bad solder joints); read out and check content of respective GPIO pin.
I don't use DCMI so don't know how exactly it detects the syncs, if it's not edge- but level-sensitive, then maybe also VSYNC polarity is incorrectly set.