User Activity

Hi allDoes an option exist, that the user can decide on the screen (by him selfe), which item he wants at first, second, ... position?Thank youRegards
Hi I'm trying to add a left and a right button to a scroll list. so the user can either scroll it, or change it with a button. I checked the ScrollList class and I could not found a function that helps me. Do somebody know how I can do it?Touchgfx 4....
Hi How can I avoid, that the screen shows a strange mosaic during boot up or the last screen after e reprogramming of the chip?Thanks for your answer
I'm using SW4STM32. with cubeMX 5.4.0 and newly touchGFX 4.10.0Now SW4STM32 throws 2 errors:Description Resource Path Location Typemake: *** No rule to make target 'C:/projectName/TouchGFX/generated/fonts/src/FontGetters.cpp', needed by 'generated/fo...
after adding a second image image2 to Screen1, the SW4STM32 has a compliation errorSymbol 'image2' could not be resolvedIf I delete the image2 every thing workscan you help me?