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UART Interrupt


Hi everybody,

I am working on a TouchGFX project apparently , and I need to use UART in interrupt mode.

How ever, I spent the last 10 days trying to configure the UART IRQ to work properly with no success yet so far.

The problem is whenever a UART interrupt is triggered, the program crashes.

In the time I was investigating the issue, I found out the following:

  • Not only UART interrupts causes the crash, in fact any external interrupt would show the same behaviour.
  • The issue is resolved whenever I turn off FreeRTOS. But as you recognize, no FreeRTOS = No TouchGFX.

So currently I am quite sure that I am having the issue because interrupts should be configured differently when working with FreeRTOS.

The thing is I don't have any experience with FreeRTOS, and this is my first project with FreeRTIS implemented. I tried reading some documentations and books. But couldn't figure it out.

I need to know the proper way to get UART working in Interrupt mode with TouchGFX and FreeRTOS running.

I appreciate your assistance


Have you tried to decode the SCB register values after the crash ?

They should tell you about the cause.

Perhaps you have FreeRTOS configured to use MPU sections, or got a stack overflow.

Hello ,

thank you for your reply,

In the debug screen I have the following registers shown.

I am using Keil


Also I am not changing the configuration of GUI Task , I am using templates provided in TouchGFX designer ,,


No, the SCB registers, like here: