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Touchgfx with usb host CDC VCP

Associate II

Hi everyone..

I have issue here, I am using USB CDC VCP the applistate is not going into ready state, i tried alone with the usb host it is working correctly for this and also used example also

Tested configuration 

1.Configured gpio pins for usb fs host VCP, FREE RTOS V1 or V2 added (tested seperatly) with the stack and heap size of 1024, I created the 2 tasks with priority normal for 1st task and below normal priority for 2nd task, for this no semaphore and queue is used it is working fine with out touch gfx task but with 2 tasks.

2. When I configured project from touchgfx ide and even though I follow same configuration for usb host VCP the usb is going to application ready state after the enumeration done. For touchgfx itself adding default configuration of FMC, DSI, LTDC Etc.. and also tried changing the priority and stack and heap size

In 2nd method the appli state step directly going to application abort state then it will not work then come to working one with out touchgfx it is not going to abort state.

What will be the issue and please some one suggest what are steps I need to follow for touchgfx to make work of usb CDC host and also suggest is there any need for semaphore and queue configuration in it or not

ST Employee

Hello @Abhishek_nr ,


What software version are you using? The latest ones?
What hardware do you use?
What is the end goal of the USB use?
Did you configure the CRC?

Can you share the stack call when you get to the abort state?

Maybe check this message to see where to find the information for USB configuration : 


Tell me if this is of any help for you!



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)
ST Employee

Hello @Abhishek_nr ,


Have you been able to move forward with your issue?



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)