2019-08-02 3:03 AM
When I go to Texts->Resources and scroll to bottom, I got this error and all Resource ID values randomly changes.
I upload log file for you see.
Thank you,
2019-08-02 4:12 AM
Hi @qqAnton,
It is possible for you to share a screenshot of this issue or even share the project, then we can try and reproduce this on our side.
2019-08-02 4:19 AM
@Anders Nedergaard PETERSEN
2019-08-02 4:29 AM
I guess the problem is in space symbol on ResP1,ResP2 and etc
I changed it to "0" and looks like problem solved.
But need to test more
2019-08-02 4:37 AM
We'll check on our side as well
2019-08-02 4:43 AM
@Anders Nedergaard PETERSEN now problem comes after I change Typography of resource id and scroll
2019-08-08 7:53 AM
I'll run the log by our designer people on monday. Which language in windows are you using?
2019-08-08 8:07 AM
Russian language.
2019-08-09 5:39 AM
Can you share this project?
2019-08-09 6:52 AM
What files/folders you need?
and give me your email to send it.
I can do it on Monday