2019-05-16 12:14 AM
Hi all
I try to use MDK-ARM Keil to debug TouchGFX project?
But it hang on Debug mode.
When enter debug it directly run and hang like photo below
This happen after I add new algorithm for STM32H7
After adding this for QSPI setting for insufficient flash
Because I code and photo are more than 2MBs so I need add .flm file to use QSPI
Here is my file
2019-05-20 12:56 AM
No I mean How can I enter QSPI (0x90000000) to get asset data to get ExtFlashSection FontFlashSection TextFlashSection these three section data.
like question I asked before
I can use function to get QSPI data
2019-05-20 1:10 AM
So you've managed to program the QSPI allright? You should be able to use BSP_QSPI_Read() to read back data. Maybe your QSPI command isn't set up properly?
2019-05-20 1:20 AM
I will check QSPI command again.
But Where should I call my QSP_QSPI_Read() to load QSPI data?
2019-05-20 1:36 AM
As long as the QSPI is initialized, you should be able to read from it. Could you tell me exactly what you're trying to accomplish?