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TouchGFX- STM32F423ZHT6

Associate II


STM32CubeIDE- 1.13.2

TouchGFX -  4.24.0

STM32F423ZHT6 evaluation board has lack of LTDC and DMA2D compare to other STM32F4 series. I want to turn on the LCD panel (NHD-2.8-240320AF-CSXP-FCTP-ND) and it display the white background. Can any one please guide me? How to do it.


I recommend following our guide : board-introduction .

Here is the part where we control the screen and test it : display-internal 



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)

Okay. Thanks for your reply @GaetanGodart  

I stuck in LCD interface. In my MCU (STM32F423ZHT6) doesn't have LTDC and DMA2D. How can I interface with LCD display? If any other method to interface with my LCD panel and MCU. Let me know.

Can I implement the SPI interface for LCD. 

I have old project (Smart lock) without touchGFX designer. Here, they using LCD touch for Number pad. But the problem is there is no specific .ioc file. They use ST7789h2 driver.

So, I want implement a effective GUI application by using TouchGFX. 

Hi @GaetanGodart 

Today I create a project on STM32F412- Disco. It generate the Makefile can I edit it for my STM32F413ZH board.

If it is possible mans can you help me.

# Helper macros to convert spaces into question marks and back again e := sp := $(e) $(e) qs = $(subst ?,$(sp),$1) sq = $(subst $(sp),?,$1) # Get name of this Makefile (avoid getting word 0 and a starting space) makefile_name := $(wordlist 1,1000,$(MAKEFILE_LIST)) # Get path of this Makefile makefile_path := $(call qs,$(dir $(call sq,$(abspath $(call sq,$(makefile_name)))))) # Get path where the Application is application_path := $(call qs,$(abspath $(call sq,$(makefile_path)..))) # Change makefile_name to a relative path makefile_name := $(subst $(call sq,$(application_path))/,,$(call sq,$(abspath $(call sq,$(makefile_name))))) # Get relative path to makefile from application_path makefile_path_relative := $(subst $(call sq,$(application_path))/,,$(call sq,$(abspath $(call sq,$(makefile_path))))) # Get path to Middlewares touchgfx_middlewares_path := gcc/Middlewares cubemx_middlewares_path := Middlewares # Get path to Drivers Drivers_path := Drivers # Get OS path touchgfx_os_path := $(touchgfx_middlewares_path)/Third_Party/FreeRTOS cubemx_os_path := $(cubemx_middlewares_path)/Third_Party/FreeRTOS # Get identification of this system ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) UNAME := MINGW32_NT-6.2 else UNAME := $(shell uname -s) endif use_bsp_driver := 0 float_abi := hard board_name := STM32F412G-DISCO platform := cortex_m4f cpp_compiler_options_local := -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32F412Zx c_compiler_options_local := -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32F412Zx .PHONY: all clean assets flash intflash all: $(filter clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS)) all clean assets: @cd "$(application_path)" && $(MAKE) -r -f $(makefile_name) -s $(MFLAGS) _$@_ flash intflash: all @cd "$(application_path)" && $(MAKE) -r -f $(makefile_name) -s $(MFLAGS) _$@_ # Directories containing application-specific source and header files. # Additional components can be added to this list. make will look for # source files recursively in comp_name/src and setup an include directive # for comp_name/include. components := TouchGFX/gui target TouchGFX/generated/gui_generated touchgfx_generator_components := TouchGFX/target TouchGFX/App cubemx_components := Core Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver # Location of folder containing bmp/png files. asset_images_input := TouchGFX/assets/images # Location of folder to search for ttf font files asset_fonts_input := TouchGFX/assets/fonts # Location of folder where the texts.xlsx is placed asset_texts_input := TouchGFX/assets/texts build_root_path := TouchGFX/build object_output_path := $(build_root_path)/$(board_name) binary_output_path := $(build_root_path)/bin # Location of output folders where autogenerated code from assets is placed asset_root_path := TouchGFX/generated asset_images_output := $(asset_root_path)/images asset_fonts_output := $(asset_root_path)/fonts asset_texts_output := $(asset_root_path)/texts #include application specific configuration include $(application_path)/TouchGFX/config/gcc/ # corrects TouchGFX Path touchgfx_path := ${subst ../,,$(touchgfx_path)} os_source_files := \ $(cubemx_os_path)/Source/croutine.c \ $(cubemx_os_path)/Source/list.c \ $(cubemx_os_path)/Source/queue.c \ $(cubemx_os_path)/Source/tasks.c \ $(cubemx_os_path)/Source/timers.c \ $(cubemx_os_path)/Source/CMSIS_RTOS_V2/cmsis_os2.c os_include_paths := \ $(cubemx_os_path)/Source/include \ $(cubemx_os_path)/Source/CMSIS_RTOS_V2 os_source_files += \ $(touchgfx_os_path)/Source/portable/MemMang/heap_4.c \ $(touchgfx_os_path)/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F/port.c os_include_paths += \ $(touchgfx_os_path)/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F ifeq ($(UNAME), Linux) imageconvert_executable := $(touchgfx_path)/framework/tools/imageconvert/build/linux/imageconvert.out fontconvert_executable := $(touchgfx_path)/framework/tools/fontconvert/build/linux/fontconvert.out else imageconvert_executable := $(touchgfx_path)/framework/tools/imageconvert/build/win/imageconvert.out fontconvert_executable := $(touchgfx_path)/framework/tools/fontconvert/build/win/fontconvert.out stldr := N25Q128A_STM32412G-DISCO.stldr include $(application_path)/gcc/include/ endif target_executable := target.elf target_hex := target.hex assembler := arm-none-eabi-gcc assembler_options += \ -g \ -fno-exceptions\ $(no_libs) -mthumb -mno-thumb-interwork \ -Wall c_compiler := arm-none-eabi-gcc c_compiler_options += \ -g \ -mthumb -fno-exceptions \ -mno-thumb-interwork -std=c99 \ $(no_libs) \ -Os -fno-strict-aliasing -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections cpp_compiler := arm-none-eabi-g++ cpp_compiler_options += \ -g -mthumb \ $(no_libs) \ -mno-thumb-interwork -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions \ -Os -fno-strict-aliasing -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections c_compiler_debug_options += \ -g -mthumb \ $(no_libs) \ -mno-thumb-interwork -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions \ -O0 -fno-strict-aliasing -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections linker := arm-none-eabi-g++ linker_options += \ -g -Wl,-static -mthumb $(no_libs) -mno-thumb-interwork \ -fno-exceptions -specs=nosys.specs -fno-rtti \ -Os -fno-strict-aliasing -Wl,--gc-sections objcopy := arm-none-eabi-objcopy archiver := arm-none-eabi-ar strip := arm-none-eabi-strip # Additional toolchain configuration for Cortex-M4 targets. float_options := -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 ifneq ("$(float_abi)","hard") float_options += -mfloat-abi=softfp else float_options += -mfloat-abi=hard endif assembler_options += -mcpu=cortex-m4 -march=armv7e-m -Wno-psabi $(float_options) -DCORE_M4 -D__irq="" c_compiler_options += -mcpu=cortex-m4 -march=armv7e-m -Wno-psabi $(float_options) -DCORE_M4 -D__irq="" cpp_compiler_options += -mcpu=cortex-m4 -march=armv7e-m -Wno-psabi $(float_options) -DCORE_M4 -D__irq="" c_compiler_debug_options += -mcpu=cortex-m4 -march=armv7e-m -Wno-psabi $(float_options) -DCORE_M4 -D__irq="" linker_options += -mcpu=cortex-m4 -march=armv7e-m -Wno-psabi $(float_options) #include everything + specific vendor folders framework_includes := $(touchgfx_path)/framework/include #this needs to change when assset include folder changes. all_components := $(components) \ $(asset_fonts_output) \ $(asset_images_output) \ $(asset_texts_output) #keep framework include and source out of this mess! :) include_paths := $(library_includes) \ $(foreach comp, $(all_components), $(comp)/include) \ $(foreach comp, $(cubemx_components), $(comp)/Inc) \ $(foreach comp, $(touchgfx_generator_components), $(comp)/generated) \ $(framework_includes) \ $(source_Middlewares_paths) \ $(touchgfx_generator_components) source_paths = $(foreach comp, $(all_components), $(comp)/src) \ $(foreach comp, $(cubemx_components), $(comp)/Src) \ $(touchgfx_generator_components) # Finds files that matches the specified pattern. The directory list # is searched recursively. It is safe to invoke this function with an # empty list of directories. # # Param $(1): List of directories to search # Param $(2): The file pattern to search for define find $(foreach dir,$(1),$(foreach d,$(wildcard $(dir)/*),\ $(call find,$(d),$(2))) $(wildcard $(dir)/$(strip $(2)))) endef unexport find fontconvert_ttf_lower_files := $(call find, $(asset_fonts_input), *.ttf) fontconvert_ttf_upper_files := $(call find, $(asset_fonts_input), *.TTF) fontconvert_otf_lower_files := $(call find, $(asset_fonts_input), *.otf) fontconvert_otf_upper_files := $(call find, $(asset_fonts_input), *.OTF) fontconvert_bdf_lower_files := $(call find, $(asset_fonts_input), *.bdf) fontconvert_bdf_upper_files := $(call find, $(asset_fonts_input), *.BDF) fontconvert_font_files := \ $(fontconvert_ttf_lower_files) \ $(fontconvert_ttf_upper_files) \ $(fontconvert_otf_lower_files) \ $(fontconvert_otf_upper_files) \ $(fontconvert_bdf_lower_files) \ $(fontconvert_bdf_upper_files) source_files := $(call find, $(source_paths),*.cpp) c_source_no_opt_files := c_source_no_opt_files += $(call find, $(source_paths), stm32l4xx_hal_qspi.c) board_c_files := board_cpp_files := board_include_paths := \ Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F4xx/Include \ Drivers/CMSIS/Include \ Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/CMSIS_RTOS \ Drivers/BSP/Components/Common ifeq ($(use_bsp_driver), 1) board_c_files += \ $(Drivers_path)/BSP/STM32412G-Discovery/stm32f412g_discovery.c \ $(Drivers_path)/BSP/STM32412G-Discovery/stm32f412g_discovery_qspi.c \ $(Drivers_path)/BSP/STM32412G-Discovery/stm32f412g_discovery_ts.c \ $(Drivers_path)/BSP/STM32412G-Discovery/stm32f412g_discovery_lcd.c board_c_files += \ $(Drivers_path)/BSP/Components/ls016b8uy/ls016b8uy.c \ $(Drivers_path)/BSP/Components/ls016b8uy/stm32f4xx_hal_uart.c board_include_paths += $(Drivers_path)/BSP/STM32412G-Discovery c_compiler_options_local += -DUSE_BSP_DRIVER -DHAL_UART_MODULE_ENABLED endif asm_source_files := $(makefile_path_relative)/startup_stm32f412zgtx.s c_compiler_options += cpp_compiler_options += c_compiler_debug_options += include_paths += platform/os $(board_include_paths) $(os_include_paths) c_source_files := $(filter-out $(c_source_no_opt_files),$(call find, $(source_paths),*.c)) $(os_source_files) $(board_c_files) source_files += $(board_cpp_files) object_files := $(source_files) $(c_source_files) # Start converting paths object_files := $(object_files:$(touchgfx_path)/%.cpp=$(object_output_path)/touchgfx/%.o) object_files := $(object_files:%.cpp=$(object_output_path)/%.o) object_files := $(object_files:$(Middlewares_path)/%.c=$(object_output_path)/Middlewares/%.o) object_files := $(object_files:$(Drivers_path)/%.c=$(object_output_path)/Drivers/%.o) object_files := $(object_files:%.c=$(object_output_path)/%.o) dependency_files := $(object_files:%.o=%.d) object_asm_files := $(asm_source_files:%.s=$(object_output_path)/%.o) object_asm_files := $(patsubst $(object_output_path)/%,$(object_output_path)/%,$(object_asm_files)) object_no_opt_files := $(c_source_no_opt_files:%.c=$(object_output_path)/no_opt_files/%.o) object_no_opt_files := $(patsubst $(object_output_path)/%,$(object_output_path)/%,$(object_no_opt_files)) textconvert_script_path := $(touchgfx_path)/framework/tools/textconvert textconvert_executable := $(call find, $(textconvert_script_path), *.rb) text_database := $(asset_texts_input)/texts.xlsx ifneq ("$(float_abi)","hard") libraries := touchgfx else libraries := touchgfx-float-abi-hard endif library_include_paths := $(touchgfx_path)/lib/core/$(platform)/gcc .PHONY: _all_ _clean_ _assets_ _flash_ _intflash_ generate_assets build_executable # Force linking each time .PHONY: $(binary_output_path)/$(target_executable) _all_: generate_assets # if ExtFlashSection or FontFlashSection is detected inside the executable, enable external flash flash_section_count := 0 elf_filename := "$(application_path)/$(binary_output_path)/$(target_executable)" ifeq ($(shell test -e $(elf_filename) && echo -n has_elf_file),has_elf_file) flash_section_count := $(shell readelf -S $(elf_filename) | grep FlashSection | wc -l) endif ifeq ($(shell test $(flash_section_count) -gt 0; echo $$?),0) _flash_: _extflash_ else _flash_: _intflash_ endif include $(application_path)/gcc/include/ generate_assets: _assets_ @$(MAKE) -f $(makefile_name) -r -s $(MFLAGS) build_executable build_executable: $(binary_output_path)/$(target_executable) $(binary_output_path)/$(target_executable): $(object_files) $(object_no_opt_files) $(object_asm_files) @echo Linking $(@) @mkdir -p $(@D) @mkdir -p $(object_output_path) @$(file >$(build_root_path)/objects.tmp) $(foreach F,$(object_files),$(file >>$(build_root_path)/objects.tmp,$F)) @$(linker) \ $(linker_options) -T $(makefile_path_relative)/STM32F412ZGTX_FLASH.ld -Wl,-Map=$(@D)/ $(linker_options_local) \ $(patsubst %,-L%,$(library_include_paths)) \ @$(build_root_path)/objects.tmp $(object_no_opt_files) $(object_asm_files) -o $@ \ -Wl,--start-group $(patsubst %,-l%,$(libraries)) -Wl,--end-group @rm -f $(build_root_path)/objects.tmp @echo "Producing additional output formats..." @echo " target.hex - Combined internal+external hex" @$(objcopy) -O ihex $@ $(@D)/target.hex @echo " intflash.elf - Internal flash, elf debug" @$(objcopy) --remove-section=ExtFlashSection $@ $(@D)/intflash.elf 2>/dev/null @echo " intflash.hex - Internal flash, hex" @$(objcopy) -O ihex --remove-section=ExtFlashSection $@ $(@D)/intflash.hex # re-enable if extflash binaries are required in your workflow # @echo " extflash.bin - External flash, binary" # @$(objcopy) -O binary --only-section=*FlashSection $@ $(@D)/extflash.bin $(object_output_path)/no_opt_files/%.o : %.c TouchGFX/config/gcc/ @echo [No OPT] Compiling $< @mkdir -p $(@D) @$(c_compiler) \ -MMD -MP $(c_compiler_debug_options) $(c_compiler_options_local) $(user_cflags) \ $(patsubst %,-I%,$(include_paths)) \ -c $< -o $@ $(object_output_path)/touchgfx/%.o: $(touchgfx_path)/%.cpp TouchGFX/config/gcc/ @echo Compiling $< @mkdir -p $(@D) @$(cpp_compiler) \ -MMD -MP $(cpp_compiler_options) $(cpp_compiler_options_local) $(user_cflags) \ $(patsubst %,-I%,$(include_paths)) \ -c $< -o $@ $(object_output_path)/%.o: %.cpp TouchGFX/config/gcc/ @echo Compiling $< @mkdir -p $(@D) @$(cpp_compiler) \ -MMD -MP $(cpp_compiler_options) $(cpp_compiler_options_local) $(user_cflags) \ $(patsubst %,-I%,$(include_paths)) \ -c $< -o $@ $(object_output_path)/touchgfx/%.o: $(touchgfx_path)/%.c TouchGFX/config/gcc/ @echo Compiling $< @mkdir -p $(@D) @$(c_compiler) \ -MMD -MP $(c_compiler_options) $(c_compiler_options_local) $(user_cflags) \ $(patsubst %,-I%,$(include_paths)) \ -c $< -o $@ $(object_output_path)/%.o: %.c TouchGFX/config/gcc/ @echo Compiling $< @mkdir -p $(@D) @$(c_compiler) \ -MMD -MP $(c_compiler_options) $(c_compiler_options_local) $(user_cflags) \ $(patsubst %,-I%,$(include_paths)) \ -c $< -o $@ $(object_output_path)/%.o: %.s TouchGFX/config/gcc/ @echo Compiling ASM $< @mkdir -p $(@D) @$(assembler) \ $(assembler_options) \ $(patsubst %,-I %,$(os_include_paths)) \ -c $< -o $@ ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),build_executable) $(firstword $(dependency_files)): TouchGFX/config/gcc/ @rm -rf $(object_output_path) -include $(dependency_files) endif _assets_: BitmapDatabase TextKeysAndLanguages .PHONY: BitmapDatabase TextKeysAndLanguages BitmapDatabase: @$(imageconvert_executable) -r $(asset_images_input) -w $(asset_images_output) TextKeysAndLanguages: @mkdir -p $(asset_texts_output)/include/texts @ruby $(textconvert_script_path)/main.rb $(text_database) $(fontconvert_executable) $(asset_fonts_output) $(asset_texts_output) $(asset_fonts_input) TouchGFX $(text_converter_options) _clean_: @echo Cleaning @rm -rf $(build_root_path) # Do not remove gui_generated @rm -rf $(asset_images_output) @rm -rf $(asset_fonts_output) @rm -rf $(asset_texts_output) # Create directory to avoid error if it does not exist @mkdir -p $(asset_root_path) # Remove assets folder if it is empty (i.e. no gui_generated folder) @rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(asset_root_path)
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Hello @Marudhupandian ,


You have to check what the communication protocol is for your screen.
There is a lot of cheaper screens that use SPI.
We also use SPI on the STM32G071RB nucleo + GFX01M2 so you could create a new project from TouchGFX Designer to see how we used SPI there.
Otherwise, you can also look at some YouTube guides, you will most likely find a guide for your screen as ST7789h2 is a pretty common display.
I have looked and it seems you can use FMC to control it which is totally fine.


Regarding the Makefile, you should update the names from 412 to 413, check for compiler options and the linker script.

You can try this one :

# Helper macros to convert spaces into question marks and back again e := sp := $(e) $(e) qs = $(subst ?,$(sp),$1) sq = $(subst $(sp),?,$1) # Get name of this Makefile (avoid getting word 0 and a starting space) makefile_name := $(wordlist 1,1000,$(MAKEFILE_LIST)) # Get path of this Makefile makefile_path := $(call qs,$(dir $(call sq,$(abspath $(call sq,$(makefile_name)))))) # Get path where the Application is application_path := $(call qs,$(abspath $(call sq,$(makefile_path)..))) # Change makefile_name to a relative path makefile_name := $(subst $(call sq,$(application_path))/,,$(call sq,$(abspath $(call sq,$(makefile_name))))) # Get relative path to makefile from application_path makefile_path_relative := $(subst $(call sq,$(application_path))/,,$(call sq,$(abspath $(call sq,$(makefile_path))))) # Get path to Middlewares touchgfx_middlewares_path := gcc/Middlewares cubemx_middlewares_path := Middlewares # Get path to Drivers Drivers_path := Drivers # Get OS path touchgfx_os_path := $(touchgfx_middlewares_path)/Third_Party/FreeRTOS cubemx_os_path := $(cubemx_middlewares_path)/Third_Party/FreeRTOS # Get identification of this system ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) UNAME := MINGW32_NT-6.2 else UNAME := $(shell uname -s) endif use_bsp_driver := 0 float_abi := hard board_name := STM32F413-DISCO platform := cortex_m4f cpp_compiler_options_local := -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32F413xx c_compiler_options_local := -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32F413xx .PHONY: all clean assets flash intflash all: $(filter clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS)) all clean assets: @cd "$(application_path)" && $(MAKE) -r -f $(makefile_name) -s $(MFLAGS) _$@_ flash intflash: all @cd "$(application_path)" && $(MAKE) -r -f $(makefile_name) -s $(MFLAGS) _$@_ # Directories containing application-specific source and header files. # Additional components can be added to this list. make will look for # source files recursively in comp_name/src and setup an include directive # for comp_name/include. components := TouchGFX/gui target TouchGFX/generated/gui_generated touchgfx_generator_components := TouchGFX/target TouchGFX/App cubemx_components := Core Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver # Location of folder containing bmp/png files. asset_images_input := TouchGFX/assets/images # Location of folder to search for ttf font files asset_fonts_input := TouchGFX/assets/fonts # Location of folder where the texts.xlsx is placed asset_texts_input := TouchGFX/assets/texts build_root_path := TouchGFX/build object_output_path := $(build_root_path)/$(board_name) binary_output_path := $(build_root_path)/bin # Location of output folders where autogenerated code from assets is placed asset_root_path := TouchGFX/generated asset_images_output := $(asset_root_path)/images asset_fonts_output := $(asset_root_path)/fonts asset_texts_output := $(asset_root_path)/texts #include application specific configuration include $(application_path)/TouchGFX/config/gcc/ # corrects TouchGFX Path touchgfx_path := ${subst ../,,$(touchgfx_path)} os_source_files := \ $(cubemx_os_path)/Source/croutine.c \ $(cubemx_os_path)/Source/list.c \ $(cubemx_os_path)/Source/queue.c \ $(cubemx_os_path)/Source/tasks.c \ $(cubemx_os_path)/Source/timers.c \ $(cubemx_os_path)/Source/CMSIS_RTOS_V2/cmsis_os2.c os_include_paths := \ $(cubemx_os_path)/Source/include \ $(cubemx_os_path)/Source/CMSIS_RTOS_V2 os_source_files += \ $(touchgfx_os_path)/Source/portable/MemMang/heap_4.c \ $(touchgfx_os_path)/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F/port.c os_include_paths += \ $(touchgfx_os_path)/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F ifeq ($(UNAME), Linux) imageconvert_executable := $(touchgfx_path)/framework/tools/imageconvert/build/linux/imageconvert.out fontconvert_executable := $(touchgfx_path)/framework/tools/fontconvert/build/linux/fontconvert.out else imageconvert_executable := $(touchgfx_path)/framework/tools/imageconvert/build/win/imageconvert.out fontconvert_executable := $(touchgfx_path)/framework/tools/fontconvert/build/win/fontconvert.out stldr := N25Q128A_STM32412G-DISCO.stldr include $(application_path)/gcc/include/ endif target_executable := target.elf target_hex := target.hex assembler := arm-none-eabi-gcc assembler_options += \ -g \ -fno-exceptions\ $(no_libs) -mthumb -mno-thumb-interwork \ -Wall c_compiler := arm-none-eabi-gcc c_compiler_options += \ -g \ -mthumb -fno-exceptions \ -mno-thumb-interwork -std=c99 \ $(no_libs) \ -Os -fno-strict-aliasing -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections cpp_compiler := arm-none-eabi-g++ cpp_compiler_options += \ -g -mthumb \ $(no_libs) \ -mno-thumb-interwork -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions \ -Os -fno-strict-aliasing -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections c_compiler_debug_options += \ -g -mthumb \ $(no_libs) \ -mno-thumb-interwork -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions \ -O0 -fno-strict-aliasing -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections linker := arm-none-eabi-g++ linker_options += \ -g -Wl,-static -mthumb $(no_libs) -mno-thumb-interwork \ -fno-exceptions -specs=nosys.specs -fno-rtti \ -Os -fno-strict-aliasing -Wl,--gc-sections objcopy := arm-none-eabi-objcopy archiver := arm-none-eabi-ar strip := arm-none-eabi-strip # Additional toolchain configuration for Cortex-M4 targets. float_options := -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 ifneq ("$(float_abi)","hard") float_options += -mfloat-abi=softfp else float_options += -mfloat-abi=hard endif assembler_options += -mcpu=cortex-m4 -march=armv7e-m -Wno-psabi $(float_options) -DCORE_M4 -D__irq="" c_compiler_options += -mcpu=cortex-m4 -march=armv7e-m -Wno-psabi $(float_options) -DCORE_M4 -D__irq="" cpp_compiler_options += -mcpu=cortex-m4 -march=armv7e-m -Wno-psabi $(float_options) -DCORE_M4 -D__irq="" c_compiler_debug_options += -mcpu=cortex-m4 -march=armv7e-m -Wno-psabi $(float_options) -DCORE_M4 -D__irq="" linker_options += -mcpu=cortex-m4 -march=armv7e-m -Wno-psabi $(float_options) #include everything + specific vendor folders framework_includes := $(touchgfx_path)/framework/include #this needs to change when assset include folder changes. all_components := $(components) \ $(asset_fonts_output) \ $(asset_images_output) \ $(asset_texts_output) #keep framework include and source out of this mess! :) include_paths := $(library_includes) \ $(foreach comp, $(all_components), $(comp)/include) \ $(foreach comp, $(cubemx_components), $(comp)/Inc) \ $(foreach comp, $(touchgfx_generator_components), $(comp)/generated) \ $(framework_includes) \ $(source_Middlewares_paths) \ $(touchgfx_generator_components) source_paths = $(foreach comp, $(all_components), $(comp)/src) \ $(foreach comp, $(cubemx_components), $(comp)/Src) \ $(touchgfx_generator_components) # Finds files that matches the specified pattern. The directory list # is searched recursively. It is safe to invoke this function with an # empty list of directories. # # Param $(1): List of directories to search # Param $(2): The file pattern to search for define find $(foreach dir,$(1),$(foreach d,$(wildcard $(dir)/*),\ $(call find,$(d),$(2))) $(wildcard $(dir)/$(strip $(2)))) endef unexport find fontconvert_ttf_lower_files := $(call find, $(asset_fonts_input), *.ttf) fontconvert_ttf_upper_files := $(call find, $(asset_fonts_input), *.TTF) fontconvert_otf_lower_files := $(call find, $(asset_fonts_input), *.otf) fontconvert_otf_upper_files := $(call find, $(asset_fonts_input), *.OTF) fontconvert_bdf_lower_files := $(call find, $(asset_fonts_input), *.bdf) fontconvert_bdf_upper_files := $(call find, $(asset_fonts_input), *.BDF) fontconvert_font_files := \ $(fontconvert_ttf_lower_files) \ $(fontconvert_ttf_upper_files) \ $(fontconvert_otf_lower_files) \ $(fontconvert_otf_upper_files) \ $(fontconvert_bdf_lower_files) \ $(fontconvert_bdf_upper_files) source_files := $(call find, $(source_paths),*.cpp) c_source_no_opt_files := c_source_no_opt_files += $(call find, $(source_paths), stm32l4xx_hal_qspi.c) board_c_files := board_cpp_files := board_include_paths := \ Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F4xx/Include \ Drivers/CMSIS/Include \ Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/CMSIS_RTOS \ Drivers/BSP/Components/Common ifeq ($(use_bsp_driver), 1) board_c_files += \ $(Drivers_path)/BSP/STM32412G-Discovery/stm32f412g_discovery.c \ $(Drivers_path)/BSP/STM32412G-Discovery/stm32f412g_discovery_qspi.c \ $(Drivers_path)/BSP/STM32412G-Discovery/stm32f412g_discovery_ts.c \ $(Drivers_path)/BSP/STM32412G-Discovery/stm32f412g_discovery_lcd.c board_c_files += \ $(Drivers_path)/BSP/Components/ls016b8uy/ls016b8uy.c \ $(Drivers_path)/BSP/Components/ls016b8uy/stm32f4xx_hal_uart.c board_include_paths += $(Drivers_path)/BSP/STM32412G-Discovery c_compiler_options_local += -DUSE_BSP_DRIVER -DHAL_UART_MODULE_ENABLED endif asm_source_files := $(makefile_path_relative)/startup_stm32f413xx.s c_compiler_options += cpp_compiler_options += c_compiler_debug_options += include_paths += platform/os $(board_include_paths) $(os_include_paths) c_source_files := $(filter-out $(c_source_no_opt_files),$(call find, $(source_paths),*.c)) $(os_source_files) $(board_c_files) source_files += $(board_cpp_files) object_files := $(source_files) $(c_source_files) # Start converting paths object_files := $(object_files:$(touchgfx_path)/%.cpp=$(object_output_path)/touchgfx/%.o) object_files := $(object_files:%.cpp=$(object_output_path)/%.o) object_files := $(object_files:$(Middlewares_path)/%.c=$(object_output_path)/Middlewares/%.o) object_files := $(object_files:$(Drivers_path)/%.c=$(object_output_path)/Drivers/%.o) object_files := $(object_files:%.c=$(object_output_path)/%.o) dependency_files := $(object_files:%.o=%.d) object_asm_files := $(asm_source_files:%.s=$(object_output_path)/%.o) object_asm_files := $(patsubst $(object_output_path)/%,$(object_output_path)/%,$(object_asm_files)) object_no_opt_files := $(c_source_no_opt_files:%.c=$(object_output_path)/no_opt_files/%.o) object_no_opt_files := $(patsubst $(object_output_path)/%,$(object_output_path)/%,$(object_no_opt_files)) textconvert_script_path := $(touchgfx_path)/framework/tools/textconvert textconvert_executable := $(call find, $(textconvert_script_path), *.rb) text_database := $(asset_texts_input)/texts.xlsx ifneq ("$(float_abi)","hard") libraries := touchgfx else libraries := touchgfx-float-abi-hard endif library_include_paths := $(touchgfx_path)/lib/core/$(platform)/gcc .PHONY: _all_ _clean_ _assets_ _flash_ _intflash_ generate_assets build_executable # Force linking each time .PHONY: $(binary_output_path)/$(target_executable) _all_: generate_assets # if ExtFlashSection or FontFlashSection is detected inside the executable, enable external flash flash_section_count := 0 elf_filename := "$(application_path)/$(binary_output_path)/$(target_executable)" ifeq ($(shell test -e $(elf_filename) && echo -n has_elf_file),has_elf_file) flash_section_count := $(shell readelf -S $(elf_filename) | grep FlashSection | wc -l) endif ifeq ($(shell test $(flash_section_count) -gt 0; echo $$?),0) _flash_: _extflash_ else _flash_: _intflash_ endif include $(application_path)/gcc/include/ generate_assets: _assets_ @$(MAKE) -f $(makefile_name) -r -s $(MFLAGS) build_executable build_executable: $(binary_output_path)/$(target_executable) $(binary_output_path)/$(target_executable): $(object_files) $(object_no_opt_files) $(object_asm_files) @echo Linking $(@) @mkdir -p $(@D) @mkdir -p $(object_output_path) @$(file >$(build_root_path)/objects.tmp) $(foreach F,$(object_files),$(file >>$(build_root_path)/objects.tmp,$F)) @$(linker) \ $(linker_options) -T $(makefile_path_relative)/STM32F413ZGTX_FLASH.ld -Wl,-Map=$(@D)/ $(linker_options_local) \ $(patsubst %,-L%,$(library_include_paths)) \ @$(build_root_path)/objects.tmp $(object_no_opt_files) $(object_asm_files) -o $@ \ -Wl,--start-group $(patsubst %,-l%,$(libraries)) -Wl,--end-group @rm -f $(build_root_path)/objects.tmp @echo "Producing additional output formats..." @echo " target.hex - Combined internal+external hex" @$(objcopy) -O ihex $@ $(@D)/target.hex @echo " intflash.elf - Internal flash, elf
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Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)