2023-11-14 9:22 AM
I am working with a Riverdi screen (RVT50HQSFWCA0) and TouchGFX for the first time. I followed the installation instructions and tried working with multiple TouchGFX examples and new simple projects. I get a compiler error in both TouchGFX and importing into STMCubeIDE. The error comes from nema_hal.c. I saw a known issue related to the nema file, so I downgraded STMCubeMX from 6.9 to 6.8, but that did not change anything. A picture of the compiler error is attached.
The versions I am working with:
TouchGFX Designer: 4.22.1
STMCubeMX: 6.8.1
STMCubeIDE: 1.13.2
Does anyone have any recommendations?
2023-11-14 9:31 AM
Is this a Riverdi project or one from ControllersTech ?
2023-11-14 9:34 AM
I suspect you're going to need to unpack the line, the compiler settings, and any defines, to better understand what exactly the compiler is unhappy with.
Looks to be something C++ or .cpp related, double check the syntax of the line, and order of encounter.
2023-11-14 9:44 AM
This is happening both with the Riverdi example projects and demos, as well as the STMicroelectronics examples for this chip. It is part of the TouchGFX generated code, so I am mostly concerned there's a bug or I misconfigured something. I am continuing to poke around at the files in the mean time.
2023-11-16 12:29 AM
Hi elegantMorse,
yesterday I made the same experience with the TouchGFX Designer 4.22.1 with the same Riverdi display.
My solution was change of file nema_hal.c - changing line 46.
//LOCATION_ALIGN_8BYTES(static uint8_t nemagfx_pool_mem[NEMAGFX_BYTE_POOL_SIZE]); /* NemaGFX memory pool */
static uint8_t nemagfx_pool_mem[NEMAGFX_BYTE_POOL_SIZE]; /* NemaGFX memory pool */
The macro LOCATION_ALIGN_8BYTES() is nowhere defined in the project.
Without, it removes the variable declaration inside the brackets.
After this change, my sample project compiled and it also run on hardware.
I need to figure out the purpose of the missing memory alignment and how to set it properly.
2024-04-02 3:09 AM
Recently had the same issue. Thankfully, your suggestion solved it quickly.
Is Riverdi/TouchGFX aware of that issue yet?
2024-04-02 3:34 AM