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TouchGFX Performace Degradation in Landscape

Associate III

I am using touchgfx 4.20.0 and have a project running well in portrait on a 2.4" tft screen (RGB565).

My issue iswhen i rotate the project to be landscape some features become very laggy. for example i have a rotary dial and turning it up and down moves a scrollWheel in a container to scroll throught data. When i stop turning it it contiues for maybe half a second, like its struggling dealing with commands in a buffer.

Just to clarify this is exactly the same project running in portrait and i don't see these issues.

I would be greatful if someone would be able to point me to an area where the screen updates could be becoming qued or backlogged ?

This is running on the M7 core of an STM32H757 MCU, using rtos with a 20ms tick timer for the appTick. although i lowered the tick to 10ms and it made not difference. Updating TouchGFX would be a big project as its so tied up with cubeMX and i don't want to introduce new problems.


any pointers would be great


Associate III

im hoping someone is able to point me in a direction where i could identify what this could be caused by ?