2020-04-23 3:46 PM
I have the library installed, the application selected, and the selection under Additional Software X-CUBE-TOUCHGFX... selected and enabled.
However, when I hit Generate Code, none of the TouchGFX folders are created, and the build fails with missing files all related to TouchGFX. How do I get CubeMX to generate these files?
2020-04-27 7:53 AM
2020-04-27 7:04 PM
Maybe i can help with those issues :) Let me know!
2020-04-28 9:50 AM
Thanks, Martin.
From this video
it seems like it's necessary to add a level of driver code for the SDRAM. Unfortunately, the two projects that I have running on eval/discovery boards have pretty significant differences in their driver level code, and they are both designed around FreeRTOS.
I'm trying to narrow down the scope of what we need, but it's a lot of unknown territory for me. :)