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Touchgfx freezes

Associate II

Hi all,

I am developing a project in touchgfx using STM32F429. As the complexity of the project has grown, I have started to see anomalies in the touchgfx.

Until now I have 15 screens and all the screens work fine separately. When I put them all together they also work fine in the beginning, but as I play around from one to the other, after a while touchgfx simulator freezes and closes.

I believe it is some problem with the memory. Somehow, it gets stuck. The code has no obvious bug because the screens work fine separately. I have increased the heap and stack size, however the problem still remains. I checked also the memory required by the CWR, as I draw some rounded corners, but it is way below what I have assigned.

There is one thing which I do not know how to do. And it is related to the teadDownScreen() method, which has an empty implementation by default. I think that I maybe need to run something there so that I can free as much space as possible when I leave one screen.

There is one more thing. I always declare all the components as static, so that touchgfx should know how much memory it needs.

I get the following error when I debug with visual studio:

Exception thrown at 0x008E17E1 in Application.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x80808098.

And this exception comes always at the following lines:

 virtual void backPorchExited()





Can someone give me a hint on how to overcome this problem?

Thanks a lot for the support.



Associate II
