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TouchGFX documentation feedback

ST Employee

We wish to always improve our documentation. The best reviews and critics always come from the people that read it, so we would like to use this post to collect your thoughts and feedbacks.

Please share what you like, dislike, what you think is missing, etc ...

/The TouchGFX team


I ran into the same issues for my custom board. You are not dumb. I ended up creating the project in STM32CubeMX and then adding TouchGFX later. I was able to write a custom build script (using STM32CubeIDE headless build) and also a custom script for flashing (using STM32CubeProgrammer) and they both get called when clicking the program button in TouchGFX.

Kudo posts if you have the same problem and kudo replies if the solution works.
Click "Accept as Solution" if a reply solved your problem. If no solution was posted please answer with your own.
Associate III

Overall the documentation is quite good.

I would add a section regarding how to set up VSCode to compile and debug the simulator as not everyone can use Visual Studio. VSCode is widely used worldwide (ESP has the whole toolchain builtin, for instance) so, ST could do the next step for their products

Associate III

The sample code is a bit confusing.

Does not work:

int x, y, r;
circle.getCenter(&x, &y); // Will return (1, 1)
circle.getRadius(&r); // Will return 0



short int x;
short int y;
short int r;
circle_level.getCenter<short int>(x, y); // Will return (1, 1)
circle_level.getRadius<short int>(r); // Will return 0